Contribuciones d'usuariu pa Carsten Steger
Pa Carsten Steger alderique rexistru de bloqueos xubes rexistros registro de bloqueo global cuentas globales rexistru d'abusos
Un usuario con 7 ediciones. Cuenta creada el 11 xnt 2021.
2 set 2024
- 18:5018:50 2 set 2024 difs. hist. +34 Lübeck Aerial image of Lübeck replaced with an aerial image of significantly higher resolution that was taken under better light conditions. actual
20 set 2023
- 18:2818:28 20 set 2023 difs. hist. −20 Palaciu de Schwerin Aerial image of Schwerin Castle replaced with an aerial image of significantly higher resolution.
4 avi 2022
- 07:3007:30 4 avi 2022 difs. hist. +38 Guéiser Aerial image of Grand Prismatic Spring replaced by an aerial image that has higher resolution and more natural colors.
- 07:3007:30 4 avi 2022 difs. hist. +38 Extremófilu Aerial image of Grand Prismatic Spring replaced by an aerial image that has higher resolution and more natural colors.
- 07:2907:29 4 avi 2022 difs. hist. +38 Parque nacional de Yellowstone Aerial image of Grand Prismatic Spring replaced by an aerial image that has higher resolution and more natural colors.
- 07:2807:28 4 avi 2022 difs. hist. +38 Vida Aerial image of Grand Prismatic Spring replaced by an aerial image that has higher resolution and more natural colors.
11 xnt 2021
- 10:4310:43 11 xnt 2021 difs. hist. −3 Xeografía de la Xunión Europea Aerial image of Heligoland replaced with a current aerial image of higher resolution.