Diferencies ente revisiones de «Variety»

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Llinia 42:
Por enforma tiempu, los [[escritor]]es y [[columnista|columnistes]] de ''Variety'' usaron una [[xíriga]] llamada ''«slanguage»'' o ''«varietyese»'', que fai referencia especialmente a la industria cinematográfico. Estes fueron llargamente adoptaes y asonsañaes por otros escritores. Términos como ''«[[sitcom]]», «[[Atracción sexual|sex appeal]]», «[[payola]]»'' ya inclusive ''«[[striptease]]»'' son atribuyíos a la influencia de la revista.<ref>{{cita web |url = http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4708916 |títulu = A Century of 'Variety'-Speak |fechaacceso = 11 de febreru de 2009 | fecha = 18 de xunu de 2005| autor = National Public Radio |idioma = inglés |cita = Over that time, it has originated such Oxford English Dictionary entries as "striptease", "payola" and "boffo".}}</ref><!--El so más famosu titular apaeció n'ochobre de 1929, cuando'l mercáu de valores colapsó:
Its most famous headline was from October, 1929 when the stock market crashed, "Wall St. Lays An Egg" while another favorite, "Sticks Nix Hick Pix" [1][2] was made popular—although the movie prop renders it as "Stix nix hix flix!"—by Michael Curtiz' musical-biopic Yankee Doodle Dandy where James Cagney is explaining the headline to some kids. Translated, it means that rural audiences were not attending rural-themed films. Television series llabreare referred to as "skeins," and heads of companies or corporate teams llabreare called "toppers." In addition, more common English words and phrases llabreare shortened; "audience members" becomes simply "auds," "performance" becomes "perf," and "network" becomes "net," for example.
Daily Variety's down-the-street competitor is The Hollywood Reporter. The papers have a long history of bad blood, but editorial talent migrates between them. Variety 's current editor-in-chief, Peter Bart, once said to a reporter, "They're not journalists at all,"[citation needed] though Variety has a history of recruiting Hollywood Reporter writers once they have established bylines, and vice trata.