Diferencies ente revisiones de «Idioma volscu»

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Llinia 26:
[[Archivu:Volsci.jpg|280px|thumb|Localización de los [[volscos]] nel Llaciu.]]
El '''volscu''' ye una [[llingües oscu-umbres|llingua sábilica]] falada na [[antigua Italia]] polos [[volscos]] estrechamente rellacionáu col [[idioma oscu|oscu]] y el l'[[idioma umbru|umbru]].
== Aspeutos históricos, sociales y culturales ==
Llinia 39:
It remains, therefore, to ask whether any information can be had about the language of this primitive ''-co- '' folk, and whether they can be identified as the authors of any of the various archaeological strata now recognized on Italian soil. If the conclusions suggested under Sabini may be accepted as sound we should expect to find the Volsci speaking a language similar to that of the [[Ligures]], whose fondness for the suffix ''-sco-'' has been noticed, and identical with that spoken by the plebeians of Rome, and that this branch of Indo-European was among those that preserved the orixinal Indo-European Velars from the labialization that befell them in the speech of the Samnites, The language of the inscription of Velitrae offers at first sight a difficulty from this point of view, in the conversion it shows of ''q'' to ''p'', but the ethnicon of Velitrae is ''Veliternus'', and the people are called on the inscription itself ''Velestrom'' (genitive plural); so nothing prevents assuming there was a settlement of Sabines among the Volscian hills, with their language, to some extent, (y.g., in the diphthongs and palatals) corrupted by the speech around them, just as was the case with the Sabine language of the Iguvini, whose very name became ''Iguvinates'', the suffix ''-ti-'' being much more frequent among the ''-co-'' tribes than among the Sabines.-->
El etnónimo ''volscu'' tamién ye interesante non yá pol so sufixu ''-co'', la forma antigua ''volusci'' claramente contine una palabrapallabra cognada del griegu ''helos''. Dambes derivaríen de ''*velos-'', en griegu la semivocal aspírase y en llatín y volscu da regularmente ''volus-'' tamién el teónimo ''Marica'' ("diosa de les marismas") ente los [[auruncos]] apaez tamién na mariña de Picenum y ente los lugres, y [[Esteban de Bizancio]] identificó a los oscos colos sículos. Ye vultable como munchos llugares pantanosos tienen tán acomuñaos con un sufixu ''-co'' o ''-ca''. A parte de los auruncos y la diosa Marica y les ''intempestaeque Graviscae'' (''[[Eneida]]'' 10.184), tiense'l términu ''Ustica cubans'' en [[Horacio]] (''Odes'' 1.17.1), los ernicos in el Valle del Trero, y los términos ''[[Satricum]]'' y ''Glanica'' nes [[Llagunes Pontinas|marismas pontinas]].
== Descripción llingüística ==