Diferencies ente revisiones de «Consonante vibrante múltiple»

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Llinia 6:
*{{IPA|[ʙ]}} - [[vibrante múltiple billabial]]
*{{IPA|[ʀ]}} - [[vibrante múltiple uvular]]
La vibrante billabial ye relativamente rara o pocu frencuente nes llingües del mundu, ente que la vibrante múltiple alveolar ye muncho más frecuente {{IPA|[r͇]}}, tamién esiste otros dos tipos de soníos similares a esti postreru que nun tienen un signu propiu, como son la vibrante múltiple dental {{IPA|[r̪]}}y la postaveolar {{IPA|[r̠]}}. Dellos africanistes sostienen qu'elque l'[[idioma toa]] tien una xenuina vibrante múltiple retrofleja transcrita como {{IPA|[ɽ]}} (esto ye, col mesmu signu que la vibrante simple retrofleja), anque'l AFI podría trescribir esti soníu de manera menos ambigua como {{IPA|[ɽ͡r]}}, yá que solamente l'entamu de dichu segmentu ye retroflejo.<!-- , with the actual trill being alveolar. One other trill has been reported as a consonant, an [[epiglottal trill]]. [[Epiglottal consonant]]s are often [[allophone|allophonically]] trilled, and in some languages the trill is the primary realization of the consonant. There is non official symbol for this in the IPA, but occasionally [я] has been used in the literature. There are also so-called [[strident vowel]]s which are accompanied by epiglottal trill.
The cells in the IPA chart for the [[velar consonant|velar]] and [[pharyngeal consonant|pharyngeal]] prestes of articulation are shaded. A velar trill is impossible because the middle of the tongue and walls of the throat are insufficiently flexible to vibrate in such a manner. A palatal trill is impractically difficult, if not actually impossible. The glottis quite readily vibrates, but this occurs as the [[phonation]] of vowels and consonants, not as a consonant of its own.