Diferencies ente revisiones de «Ríu Indo»

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m cartafueyu de países: Pakistán => Paquistán
m mexen => mean (inglés)
Llinia 211:
{{cita|Les temperatures tán aumentando cuatro veces más rápidu que n'otres partes de China, y los glaciares tibetanos tán retirándose a una velocidá mayor qu'en cualesquier otra parte del mundu... Al curtiu plazu, esto va faer que los llagos espándanse y causen hinchentes y ádenes de folla. A la llarga, los glaciares constitúin elementos vitales del ríu Indo. Una vegada que sumen, los suministros d'agua en Paquistán van tar en peligru.|col2= Temperatures are rising four times faster than elsewhere in China, and the Tibetan glaciers are retreating at a higher speed than in any other part of the world... In the short term, this will cause lakes to expand and bring floods and mudflows.. In the long run, the glaciers are vital lifelines of the Indus River. Once they vanish, water supplies in Pakistan will be in peril."|<ref>[http://web.archive.org/web/20100123192540/http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5g1eE4Xw3njaW1MKpJRYOch4hOdLQ Global warming benefits to Tibet: Chinese official. Reported 18 August 2009.]</ref>}}
{{cita|Hai [sic] datos insuficientes pa dicir lo que va asoceder hasta'l Indo —diz David Grey, asesor senior de l'agua del Bancu Mundial nel sur d'Asia—. "Pero toos tenemos medranes bien desagradables de que'l caudal del Indo podría trate seriamente, seriamente afeutáu pol destemple de los glaciares de resultes del cambéu climático y amenorgar seique nun 50% —. Agora, ¿qué significa eso pa una población que vive nun desiertu [onde], ensin el ríu, nun habría vida? Nun sé la respuesta a esa entruga —diz —. Pero tenemos que tar esmolecíos por eso. Fondamente, fondamente esmolecíos.|col2=There is [sic] insufficient data to say what will happen to the Indus," says David Grey, the World Bank's senior water advisor in South Asia. "But we all have very nasty fears that the flows of the Indus could be severely, severely affected by glacier melt as a consequence of climate change," and reduced by perhaps as much as 50 percent. "Now what does that mexenmean to a population that lives in a desert [where], without the river, there would be non life? I don't know the answer to that question," he says. "But we need to be concerníi about that. Deeply, deeply concerníi."|<ref>[http://pulitzercenter.org/openitem.cfm?id=1707 Pulitzercenter.org]</ref>