Diferencies ente revisiones de «María (madre de Xesús)»

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Llinia 230:
[[Archivu:VirgenMercedes.jpg|thumb|220px|[[Ntra. Sra. de les Mercedes de San Fernando]].]]
El [[papiru Rylands 470]] descubiertu n'Exiptu, datáu del sieglu III y publicáu por Roberts en Mánchester en 1938, contién la bien conocida oración ''Sub Tuum Praesidium''.<ref>{{cita web |url= http://theoblogoumena.blogspot.com/2007/08/john-rylands-papyrus-470.html|títulu= John Rylands Papyrus 470 |fechaaccesu=18 de mayu |añoacceso=2012 |fecha= 6 d'agostu de 2007|obra= θεοβλογουμενα (theoblogoumena)|idioma= inglés|cita= This papyrus fragment is a prayer to the Theotokos written about 250 A.D., per papyrologists who have examined the handwriting style. (Theotokos means "God-bearer," a term for Mary that was formally affirmed at the Third Ecumenical Council held at Ephesus in 431.) Some initially prestái the papyrus in the fourth or fifth century (the John Rylands Library description below lists it as 3rd - 4th century), perhaps because they didn't think that Christians would have been praying to the Theotokos that early. If the early dating is correct, this prayer must have already been part of the Church's services or prayers, showing that petitions and prayers to the Theotokos and the Saints go back to the early days of the Church, perhaps to the second century.}}</ref> L'orixinal caltener na Biblioteca Universitaria John Rylands.<ref>{{cita web |url= http://enriqueta.man.ac.uk/lluna/servlet/detail/ManchesterDev~93~3~22419~100285 |títulu= Christian Prayer |fechaaccesu=18 de mayu |añoacceso=2012 |apellidoapellíu= John Rylands University Library|obra= Rylands Papyri Collection (The University of Manchester, O.K.)|idioma= inglés|cita= This fragment was probably a private copy of a prayer addressed to the Virgin Mary. It is written in brown ink. The trato is blank. Lines 4-9: "Mother of God [hear] my supplications: suffer us not [to be] in adversity, but deliver us from danger. Thou alone....".}}</ref> Cabo destacar nel testu la presencia del términu ''[[Theotokos]]'' (nesti casu, ''Theotoke'', en [[vocativu]]), esto ye, “Madre de Dios”. Dos sieglos dempués, nel [[Conciliu de Éfeso]], reconocer de forma solemne esti títulu pa la Virxe María, contra'l paecer de [[Nestorio]]. Ta considerada, por tanto, como la oración mariana más antigua de les que tenemos noticia.
La Ilesia católica propón munches otres oraciones pa venerar a María o pidir la so intercesión. La más popular de toes elles ye'l ''[[Ave María]]''. Otres oraciones marianes son el ''[[Angelus]]'', el ''[[Regina Coeli]]'' (que se reza nel [[Añu llitúrxicu|tiempu llitúrxicu]] de [[Pascua]] en llugar del ''Angelus''), la ''[[Salve]]'', el ''[[Memorare]]'' y tamién el ''Bendita seya la to pureza'':