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Llinia 29:
|nome = Jonathan
|fecha = 25 d'ochobre de 2012
|sitiowebsitiuweb = Archive Org
|idioma = inglés
|cita = Documentation of the unplugged presentation "10 Petabytes Archived!" on October 25, 2012 at the Internet Archive Featuring
Llinia 44:
=== Wayback CDX Server API ===
Dende payares de 2015 Wayback Machine cuenta con un serviciu de indexado de captures de páxines que dexa, rápido, conocer l'historial de grabáu pa cada [[URL]] tantu en formatu propiu como en formatu [[JSON]].<ref>{{cita web |url = https://www.forbes.com/sites/kalevleetaru/2015/11/16/how-much-of-the-internet-does-the-wayback-machine-really-archive/ |títulu = How Much Of The Internet Does The Wayback Machine Really Archive? |fechaaccesu = 14 de febreru de 2018 |apellíu = Leetaru |nome = Kalev |fecha = 16 de payares de 2015 |sitiowebsitiuweb = [[Forbes]] |idioma = inglés |cita = The complete history of all snapshots ever recorded by the Archive for the homepage of each website was requested using the Wayback CDX Server API through November 5, 2015. While this only reflects snapshots of homepages, rather than sites as a whole, it nonetheless prindes a key metric of how often the Archive is crawling each site. |formatu = html |urlarchivu = https://web.archive.org/web/20151201125904/https://www.forbes.com/sites/kalevleetaru/2015/11/16/how-much-of-the-internet-does-the-wayback-machine-really-archive/ |fechaarchivu = 1 d'avientu de 2015}}</ref> Dichu serviciu ye un proyeutu en fase [[Fases del desenvolvimientu de software#Beta|beta]] denomináu ''Wayback CDX Server API'' y que'l so código fuente y manual d'usu ta agospiáu en [[GitHub]].<ref>[https://github.com/internetarchive/wayback/tree/master/wayback-cdx-server Wayback CDX Server API - BETA]{{Wayback|url=https://github.com/internetarchive/wayback/tree/master/wayback-cdx-server|title=Wayback CDX Server API - BETA |date=20160207181919}}</ref>
== Referencies ==