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Llinia 8:
El contautu ensin proteición oral xenital implica la posibilidá de contraer [[enfermedaes de tresmisión sexual|enfermedá de tresmisión sexual]], como'l [[herpes xenital]], [[parásitu|parásitu intestinal]] y una infeición de [[Hepatitis A]].<ref>[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=7625417&dopt=AbstractPlus|"A community-wide outbreak of hepatitis A: risk factors for infection among homosexual and bisexual men".], US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Epidemiology Program Office, PMID 7625417</ref>
Llimpiar la l'área anal y l'aplicación d'un [[enema]] consigue amenorgar el riesgu d'enfermedá.<!-- And this says what can be done to amenorga the risk, and that we don't know if it works. --> Les actrices porno de cutiu usen enemas antes de la filmación de secuencies anal sexuales; l'oxetivu ye esaniciar la posibilidá de que cualquier materia fecal pueda apaecer na película.<ref>[[Dan Savage]], [http://www.portlandmercury.com/portland/SavageLove?issue=29315 Savage Love] column, ''The Portland Mercury'' (2003-07-03). Quoting Ben Scuglia, editor of ''Inside Porn'' magacín: "[The performers] clear the pipes with a nice, relaxing douche.... Porn buttholes are so clean-clean-clean you could eat off them. Porn is all about squeaky-clean fantasy; even the 'dirty' stuff is supervised and choreographed".</ref>
== Referencies ==