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Llinia 2:
'''Minnesota''' ye un estáu de los [[Estaos Xuníos]], asitiáu nesna rexonesrexón del [[Mediu Oeste d'Estaos Xuníos|Mediu Oeste]] (''Midwest''). La capitalso del estáucapital ye [[Saint Paul (Minnesota)|Saint Paul]], y [[Minneapolis]] ye la ciudá más grande. El censu de población de los [[Estaos Xuníos]] de [[2008]] diz que Minnesota tenía 3.747.455 habitantes. Minnesota llenda al norte con [[Canadá]] ([[Ontario]] y [[Manitoba]]), al este col [[llagu Superior]] y [[Wisconsin]], al sur con [[Iowa]], y al oeste con [[Dakota del Sur]] y [[Dakota del Norte]]. Ye'l 12<sup>u</sup> mayor estáu n'estensión y, colos sos 5,639,632 habitantes ([[Oficina del Censu de los Estaos Xuníos|U.S. Census Bureau]], [[2019]]), el 22<sup>u</sup> más pobláu. Casi'l 55% de los sos habitantes viven nel [[área metropolitana de Minneapolis-Saint Paul]] (les conocíes como ciudaes ximielgues, ''Twin Cities''), que ye la fastera del estáu cola mayor concentración d'empreses, negocios, infraestructures de tresporte, instituciones educatives y de gobiernu. Otros centros urbanos de la nomada Gran Minnesota (''Greater Minnesota'') inclúin [[Duluth (Minnesota)|Duluth]], [[Mankato (Minnesota)|Mankato]], [[Moorhead (Minnesota)|Moorhead]], [[Rochester (Minnesota)|Rochester]] y [[Saint Cloud (Minnesota)|Saint Cloud]].
La xeografía del estáu inclúi, na so fastera occidental, praeres dedicaes a la agricultura intensiva; viesques de fueya caduco nel sureste, que tienen sío parcialmente talaos y convertíos en tierra agrícola; y la zona boscosa del norte (''North Woods''), na que predominen les industries maderera, minera y de turismu de naturaleza. Amás, hai bien de llagos espardíos per tola xeografía del estáu, que'l so nomatu oficial ye Tierra de los 10.000 Llagos (''Land of 10.000 Lakes'').
El territoriu de Minnesota tuvo pobláu, miles d'años primero de la llegada de los europeos, por poblaciones indíxenes. Esploradores franceses, misioneros y comerciantes de pieles entamaron a aportar a la rexón nel sieglu XVII, alcontrando nella a les tribus Dakota y Ojibwe. La mayoría del actual territoriu de Minnesota tuvo incluyíu na Louisiana francesa, una colonia que foi mercada por Estaos Xuníos en [[1803]]. La metá oriental de lo que yera Territoriu de Minnesota organizose como estáu, y foi almitíu na Xunión como talu el [[11 de mayu]] de [[1858]]. Neto que la mayoría de los estaos del Mediu Oeste, nos sos primeros tiempos como estáu tuvo poco pobláu, con una economía basada na agricultura y la madera. A elli aportaron, dende mediaos del sieglu XIX y nes primeres décades del XX, bien d'emigrantes europeos, munchos provenientes d'Escandinavia, [[Alemaña]] y Europa central. De magar l'estáu ye un centru de les cultures escandinavuamericana, xermanuamericana y checoamericana. Los estudios históricos tienen demostrao que muncha de la emigración foi una consecuencia del fracasu de les [[Revoluciones de 1848|revoluciones europees de 1848]].
El nivel de vida del estáu ye'l terceru mayor del país, tres de los de [[Massachusetts]] y [[Connecticut]], y ye ún de los más ricos y con mayor nivel educativu mediu del país. La so economía ta perdiversificada, y ensin abandonar los sectores tradicionales, agricultura y minería, desarrolló enforma los servicios y el sector financieru. Na población sigue siendo dominante la blanca d'orixe escandinavu o americanu, pero la demografía del estáu tien cantidaes crecientes d'inmigrantes d'otros estaos, pero tamién d'Asia, el cuernu d'África, Oriente Mediu o América Llatina.
{{Estaos d'Estaos Xuníos}}
Línea 9 ⟶ 17:
[[Categoría:Estaos d'Estaos Xuníos d'América]]
Minnesota (/ˌmɪnɪˈsoʊtə/ (About this soundlisten)) is a state in the Upper Midwest, Great Lakes, and northern regions of the United States. Minnesota was admitted as the 32nd U.S. state on May 11, 1858, created from the eastern half of the Minnesota Territory. The state has many lakes, and is known as the "Land of 10,000 Lakes". Its official motto is L'Étoile du Nord (French for The Star of the North).
Minnesota is the 12th largest in area and the 22nd most populous of the U.S. states; nearly 55% of its residents live in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul metropolitan area (known as the "Twin Cities").[8] This area has the largest concentration of transportation, business, industry, education, and government in the state. Urban centers in "Greater Minnesota" include Duluth, Mankato, Moorhead, Rochester and St. Cloud.[9]
The geography of the state consists of western prairies now given over to intensive agriculture; deciduous forests in the southeast, now partially cleared, farmed, and settled; and the less populated North Woods, used for mining, forestry, and recreation.
For thousands of years before Europeans arrived, Minnesota was inhabited by various indigenous peoples. French explorers, missionaries, and fur traders began exploring the region in the 17th century, encountering the Dakota and Ojibwe/Anishinaabe tribes. Much of what is now Minnesota was part of the vast French holding of Louisiana, which was purchased by the United States in 1803. Following several territorial reorganizations, Minnesota in its current form was admitted as the country's 32nd state on May 11, 1858. Like many Midwestern states, it remained sparsely populated and centered on lumber and agriculture.
During the mid-19th and early 20th centuries, European immigrants began settling the state. Many of them came from Scandinavia, Germany, and Central Europe (e.g., Czechs and Slovaks). To this day, Minnesota remains a center of Scandinavian American, German American, and Czech American[10] cultures (e.g., Kolach Days or Kolacky Days in Montgomery, and Bohemian Flats in Minneapolis).[11] Historical evidence suggests that many people immigrated to Minnesota as a result of the failed European Revolutions of 1848.[12]
Minnesota's standard of living index is among the highest in the United States, behind only Massachusetts and Connecticut, and the state is also among the best-educated and wealthiest in the nation.[13] In recent years, its economy has greatly diversified, shifting from traditional activities such as agriculture and resource extraction to services and finance. While Minnesota's population is still largely dominated by Scandinavian- and German-Americans, domestic migration and immigration from Asia, the Horn of Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America have broadened the demographics of the state.