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Llinia 25:
Amir Saif-ud-Din casóse con Bibi Daulat Naz, con quien tien cuatro fíos, trés fíos y una fía. Amir Khusro was one among them born in the year 1252-53 CE at Patiyali ( Hazrat Amir khusro Nagar ). El so padre Saif-ud-Din muerre nel añu 1260.
Khusro was an intelligent child. Poetry came to him at the early age of eight. Depués de la muerte del so padre, he came to Delhi to his grandfather’s (maternal) Imadul Mulk (Rawat Arz) house. Crecio sol cuidu del so güelu. Cuando Amir Khusro tenia 20 años d'edá, el so güelu que teniatenía 113 años muerre nel añu 1271.
Deeply saddened by this event he was desperate to find some meaning and purpose in his life. He joined as a soldier in the Army of Malik Chajju a nephew of Sultan Balban. This in turn brought his poetry to the attention of the Assembly of the Royal Court where he was highly honoured.