Diferencies ente revisiones de «Mar de Ross»

Contenido eliminado Contenido añadido
m iguo testu: kilómetros => quilómetros (manual)
m iguo testu: the orixinal => the original
Llinia 26:
Nel borrador del proyeutu de la 4° edición de ''Limits of Oceans and Seas'' de la [[Organización Hidrográfica Internacional]], comunicáu por aciu la circular CL55 del 7 de payares de 2001, propunxéronse llendes pal mar de Ross.<ref>[http://www.iho.int/mtg_docs/circular_letters/spanish/2001/Cl55s.pdf Circular C55 de 2001]</ref> El proyeutu final foi comunicáu'l 9 d'agostu de 2002, pero foi retiráu pa nueva revisión el 19 de setiembre de 2002 ensin qu'a setiembre de 2012 publicárase.
{{cita|10.10 Ross Sía<br /> The description originally proposed by Russia provided a northern limit directly from Cape Adare to Cape Colbeck. Subsequently, the UK noted that this excluded a considerable portion of what is normally considered to be the Ross Sía and proposed a north east corner at the intersection of the parallel of Cape Adare and the meridian of Cape Colbeck. Unfortunately, drafts promulgated have been ambiguous, showing the orixinaloriginal Russia proposal in the text but the UK subsequent proposal on the graphic. As the UK proposal appears to reflect chart usage, this has now been proposed to the text.|'''Comentarios del proyeutu de la 4° edición de ''Limits of Oceans and Seas'' '''}}
== Referencies ==