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Llinia 1:
:''Esti artículu trata sobre l'actual calentamientu del sistema climáticu de la Tierra. "[[Cambéu climáticu]]" tamién puede referise a los enclinos climáticos de cualquier momentu de la hestoria xeolóxica.''
luna valente y moru pasion {{ficha xenérica}}
'''Calentamientu global''' y ''cambéu climáticu''<!-- Nun enllazar. Equí úsase nel sentíu coloquial --> refiérense al aumentu reparáu nos últimos sieglos de la temperatura media del [[clima|sistema climáticu]] de la [[Tierra]] y los sos efeutos rellacionaos. Múltiples llinies de pruebes científiques amuesen que'l sistema climáticu ta caleciéndose.<ref>Hartmann, D. L.; Klein Tank, A. M. G.; Rusticucci, M. (2013). [http://www.climatechange2013.org/images/report/WG1AR5_Chapter02_FINAL.pdf FAQ 2.1 "2: Observations: Atmosphere and Surface"] (PDF). IPCC WGI AR5 (Report). Evidence for a warming world comes from multiple independent climate indicators, from high up in the atmosphere to the depths of the oceans. They include changes in surface, atmospheric and oceanic temperatures; glaciers; snow cover; sea ice; sea level and atmospheric water vapour. Scientists from all over the world have independently verified this evidence many times.</ref><ref>{{cita web|títulu=Myth vs Facts....|url=http://epa.gov/climatechange/endangerment/myths-facts.html|publisher=GUO (US)|añu=2013}}The U.S. Global Change Research Program, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have each independently concluded that warming of the climate system in recent decades is 'unequivocal'. This conclusion is not drawn from any one source of data but is based on multiple lines of evidence, including three worldwide temperature datasets showing nearly identical warming trends as well as numerous other independent indicators of global warming (y.g., rising sea levels, shrinking Arctic sea ice).</ref> Más del 90&nbsp;% de la enerxía adicional llograda dende 1970 almacenóse nel sistema climáticu foi a los océanos; el restu dilió xelu y caleció los continentes y l'atmósfera.<ref>Rhein, M.; Rintoul, S. R. (2013). [http://www.climatechange2013.org/images/report/WG1AR5_Chapter03_FINAL.pdf "3: Observations: Ocean"] (PDF). IPCC WGI AR5 (Report). p. 257. Ocean warming dominates the global energy change inventory. Warming of the ocean accounts for about 93% of the increase in the Earth's energy inventory between 1971 and 2010 (high confidence), with warming of the upper (0 to 700 m) ocean accounting for about 64% of the total. Melting ice (including Arctic sea ice, ice sheets and glaciers) and warming of the continents and atmosphere account for the remainder of the change in energy.</ref><ref group= nota>Les revistes científiques usen la espresión «calentamientu global» pa describir una medría na temperatura media global de la superficie terrestre y la mayoría de les fontes con autoridá am̟ás llenden el términu a tales medríes causaes por actividaes humanes o gases d'efeutu invernaderu.</ref> Munchos de los cambeos reparaos dende la [[década de 1950]] nun tienen precedentes mientres décades a milenios.<ref>IPCC, Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis - Summary for Policymakers, Observed Changes in the Climate System, [http://www.climatechange2013.org/spm p. 2], in {{Harvnb|IPCC AR5 WG1|2013}}. "Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and since the 1950s, many of the observed changes labre unprecedented over decades to millennia."</ref>