Diferencies ente revisiones de «Cosmopolitismu»

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Llinia 32:
== Bibliografía ==
* [[Amanda Anderson]]. 1998. Cosmopolitanism, Universalism, and the Divided Legacies of Modernity. In ''Cosmopolitics: Thinking and Feeling beyond the Nation'', edited by P. Cheah and B. Robbins. Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press.
* Roberto Augusto, «[https://web.archive.org/web/20120111174222/http://www.robertoaugusto.com/articulos/Kant_y_la paz perpetua.pdf Del cosmopolitismu a la globalización: Kant y la paz perpetua]», en: ''Logo. Revista de Retórica y Teoría de la Comunicación'', Universidá de Salamanca, Añu III, nᵘ 5, avientu de 2003, pppáxs. 45-51.
* {{cita llibru|apellíos= Ankerl |nome= Guy |títulu= Global communication without universal civilization |añu-orixinal= 2000 |serie= INU societal research |volume= Vol.1: Coexisting contemporary civilizations : Arabo-Muslim, Bharati, Chinese, and Western |editorial= INU Press |allugamientu= Geneva |isbn= 2-88155-004-5 |páxines= }}
* [[Daniele Archibugi]] and [[David Held]]. editors, 1995. ''Cosmopolitan Democracy. An Axenda for a New World Order''. Cambridge: [http://www.polity.co.uk/book.asp?ref=9780745613819 Polity Press].
Llinia 47:
* ref 1: [https://web.archive.org/web/20080211182551/http://www.gtinitiative.org/default.asp?action=43 GTI Paper Series] see ''[http://www.gtinitiative.org/documents/PDFFINALS/15Movements.pdf Dawn of the Cosmopolitan: The Hope of a Global Citizens Movement]'', paper #15, and ''[[Global politics|Global Politics]] and Institutions'', paper #3
* Velasco, Juan Carlos, [http://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/4046 "Ayeri y güei del cosmopolitismu kantianu"], en: "Isegoría. Revista de Filosofía Moral y Política", nᵘ 16, 2007, 91-117.
* [[Danilo Zolo]] (2002), «[https://web.archive.org/web/20120413161506/http://www.ugr.es/~filode/pdf/conteníu36_81.pdf Una crítica realista al globalismo xurídicu dende Kant a Kelsen y Habermas]», en ''Añales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez'', nᵘ 36, pppáxs. 197-218
* [[Giddens, A.]] (1997), "Modernidá ya identidá del Yo". Barcelona: Península.