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[[Ficheru:GulfOfAlaska_AMO_2008073.jpg|derecha|miniaturadeimagen|225x225px|[[Golfu d'Alaska]].]]
[[Ficheru:Gulf_Bothnia_-_1.jpg|miniaturadeimagen|242x242px|[[Golfu de Botnia]].]]
Un '''golfu''' ye una abertura xeográfica costera dende un [[océanu]] o un [[mar]] escontra la masa terrestre, zarrada por [[Cabu (xeografía)|cabos de tierra]]. Típicamente presenten una abertura más estrecha qu'una badea; anque esto nun ye observable en toles árees xeográfiques asina nomaes, entiéndese que les [[Badea|badees]] son de menor estensión.<ref>{{Cita web|url=http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/56637/bay|títulu=Bay (coastal)|autor=''[[Encyclopædia Britannica]]''|idioma=inglés|fechaaccesu=18 de d'abril de 2009}}</ref>
El términu golfu usóse tradicionalmente pa grandes mases d'agua salao navegables y bien dentaos que tán arrodiaos pola mariña.<ref>{{Cita web|url=https://archive.org/details/60210040RX2.nlm.nih.gov/mode/2up|títulu=A Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Volume 2 (First American ed.). Philadelphia: Isaac Peirce. p. 269. "A sea is a smaller collection of waters; as the Black Sea. A gulf is a part of the sea which is nearly surrounded with land; as the gulf of Venice. A bay has a wider entrance than a gulf; as the Bay of Biscay. A strait is a narrow passage that joins."|autor=Gregory, George|año=1816|idioma=Inglés}}</ref> Munchos golfos son árees de saléu importantes, como'l [[Golfu Pérsicu]], el [[Golfu de Méxicu|Golfu de México]], el [[Golfu de Finlandia]] y el [[Golfu d'Adén]].<ref>{{Cita web|url=https://books.google.ch/books?id=UwBjDwAAQBAJ&redir_esc=y|títulu=Madhubun ICSE Geography 6. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House. p. 32. ISBN 9789325994645. "A gulf is an inlet of an ocean or a sea deep into the land with a narrow mouth. It is more highly indented, more enclosed by the coast and larger than a bay. Some examples of gulfs are Persian Gulf, Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of Eden and Gulf of ..."|autor=Duggal, Gita. Chowdhury, Baruna Ray (ed.)|idioma=Inglés}}</ref>