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Llinia 81:
[[Sergei Korolev]], un de los autores inteleutuales de los cabezaleros años del programa espacial soviéticu, diría depués que Gagarin tuviera una sorrisa que pudiera "Allumar la [[Guerra Fría]]".
==== Поехали! ====
[[Archivo:10 Rouble 2001-2.JPG|thumb|120px|[[Rublo]] conmemorativo de 2001]]
''Поехали!'' (trescritu ''¡Poyejali!'', daqué asemeyao a ''¡Entaína!'¡ [http://download.sovmusic.ru/m/poehali.mp3 Anuncia de Tass del llogru de Gagarin cola fras na fin]Anuncio de TASS del logro de Gagarin y la frase al final]) foi la fras que dixera Gagarin nel intre del despegue de la so nave, la [[Vostok 1]]. Tornó n'un de los símbolos de la [[dómina espacial]] (según tamién la famosa fras de [[Neil Armstrong]] "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind"/"Ye un pequeñu pasu pa l'home, magar qu'un gran pasu pa la humanidá"), y qu'amás entamaría ser parte de la cultura popular [[Rusia|rusa]]. Usábase enantes d'empecipar dalgún trabayu o xera, especialmente si yera complexu o arriscáu. Tamién pasara a usase como brindis.
Línea 98 ⟶ 101:
En xineru de 2011, l'aerolínea [[Armenia|armenia]] [[Armavia]], nomara'l so primer [[Sukhoi Superjet 100]] n'honor a Gagarin.
El 14 de xunetu de 2011, una [[Estatua de Yuri Gagarin, Greenwich|estatua de Yuri Gagarin]] foi amosada'l públicu na fin de l'[[Admiralty Arch]] de [[The Mall, Londres|The Mall]] en Londres, cao de la escultura n'alcordanza de [[James Cook]]. Trátaste d'una réplica de la estatua allugada nel esterior de l'anterior escuela de Gagarin en [[Lyubertsy]]. Nel 2013, la estatua de Londres foi treslladada a un allugamientu permanente nos terrenos del [[Observatoriu Real de Greenwich|Observatoriu Real]] de [[Greenwich]], faciéndola pública'l 7 de marzu de 2013.
El 14 de xunetu de 2011, una
On 14 July 2011, a [[Statue of Yuri Gagarin, Greenwich|statue of Yuri Gagarin]] was unveiled at the [[Admiralty Arch]] end of [[The Mall, London|The Mall]] in London, opposite the permanent sculpture of [[:File:James Cook statue 569r.jpg|James Cook]]. It is a copy of the statue outside Gagarin's former school in [[Lyubertsy]].<ref name="guardian20110406"/> In 2013, the London statue was moved to a permanent location outside the [[Royal Observatory, Greenwich|Royal Observatory]] in [[Greenwich]], and was publicly unveiled on 7 March 2013.<ref name="ria20130307">{{cite news |url=http://en.ria.ru/world/20130307/179877261/Gagarin-Monument-Moved-from-Londons-Mall-to-Greenwich.html |title=Gagarin Monument Moved from London's Mall to Greenwich |work=RIA Novosti |date=7 March 2013 |accessdate=13 April 2014}}</ref>
====Cincuenta aniversariu====
El 50 aniversariu del viax de Gagarin nel espaciu, foi señaláu nel 2011 por numberoses llibrances alrodiu'l mundiu. Un film tituláu ''[[First Orbit]]'' (''Primer Órbita'' n'asturianu) sedría grabáu dende la [[Estación Espacial Internacional]], entemeciendo'l soníu real del vuelu col metrax orixinal de la ruta fecha por Gagarin. L'equipu rusu, americanu ya italianu de la [[Espedición 27]] abordu la ISS, unviara un mensax especial de vídiu pa deseá-y a la xente de la Tierra una ''Bona [[Nueche de Yuri]]'', llevando camisetes cola imax de Gagarin.
The 50th anniversary of Gagarin's journey into space was marked in 2011 by tributes around the world. A film titled ''[[First Orbit]]'' was shot from the [[International Space Station]], combining the original flight audio with footage of the route taken by Gagarin.<ref name="guardian20110411"/> The Russian, American, and Italian [[Expedition 27]] crew aboard the ISS sent a special video message to wish the people of the world a "Happy [[Yuri's Night]]", wearing shirts with an image of Gagarin.<ref name="youtube20110411"/>
Swiss-basedEl Germanreloxeru watchmakerxermanu (asitiáu en [[Suiza]]) Bernhard Lederer, createdfexo aun limitedreló editionedición ofllimitada de 50 Gagarin ''Tourbillons toGagarin'' commemoratepol the50 50thaniversariu anniversarydel ofvuelu Yuride Gagarin's flight.<ref name="tourbillon"/>
TheEl launchllanzamientu ofde la [[Soyuz TMA-21]] onnel 4 Aprild'abril de 2011, wasdedicóse devoteda tola theprimer 50thmisión anniversaryespacial oftripulada thepor first manned space missionhumanos.<ref name="mannedaero"/>
===Honores y agasayos===
* [[JubileeMedaya'l MedalXubiléu de los "40 Yearsaños ofde theles ArmedFuercies ForcesArmáes ofde thela USSRXRSS"]] (USSRXRSS, 1958)
* [[HeroHéroe ofde thela SovietXunión UnionSoviética]] (14 Aprild'abril de 1961)
* [[OrderOrde ofde Lenin]] (USSRXRSS, 14 Aprild'abril de 1961)
* [[HeroHéroe ofdel SocialistLlabor LabourSocialista]] (CzechoslovakRepública SocialistSocialista RepublicChecoslovaca, 29 Aprild'abril de 1961)
* [[HeroHéroe ofdel SocialistLlabor LabourSocialista]], (People'sRepública RepublicPopular ofde Bulgaria, 24 Mayde mayu de 1961)
* [[OrderOrde ofde Georgi Dimitrov]] (Bulgaria, 24 Mayde mayu de 1961)
* [[:ru:Категория:Кавалеры ордена Звезды Индонезии|OrderOrde ofde thela StarEstrella]], 2nd ClassClas (Indonesia, 10 Junede xunu de 1961)
* [[CrossCruz ofde Grunwald]], 1st1er classclas (PolandPolonia, 20 Junede xunu 1961)
* [[PilotPilotu-CosmonautCosmonauta ofde thela USSRXRRS]] (27 Junede xunu 1961)
* ThePrimer firstComandante Commanderde ofla theOrde Orderde "Playa GironGirón" (Cuba, 18 Julyxunetu de 1961)
* "ForA achievementslos insos aeronauticsalgames n'aeronáutica" (BrazilBrasil, 2 Augustd'agostu de 1961)
* [[OrderOrde ofde thela SouthernCruz Crossdel Sur]] (BrazilBrasil, 3 Augustd'agostu de 1961)<ref name="almanaquebrasil"/>
* OrderOrde ofde thela FlagBandera ofde thela HungarianRepública RepublicHúngara, 1st1er classclas withcon diamondsdiamantes (HungaryHungría, 21 Augustd'agostu de 1961)
* Honorable Xefe d'Esportes de la XRRS (1961, agasayu algamáu como recompensa pol so vuelu espacial)
* Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1961, title obtained as a reward for a space flight)
* Pilotu de Combate de 1er Clas (1961, agasayáu pola so cualificación nel vuelu espacial)
* Military Pilot 1st Class (1961, awarded the qualification of space flight)
* Medaya d'oru de l'Ensame Británicu pol Viax Interplanetariu, 1961
* Gold Medal of the British Society for interplanetary travel, 1961
* HonoraryHonorable suvorovetsde Suvorovets (MoscowMoscú [[SuvorovAcademia MilitaryMilitar Schoolde Suvorov]], 1962)
* [[OrderOrde'l of the NileNilu]] (EgyptExiptu, 31 Januaryde xineru de 1962)
* [[OrderOrde ofde thela AfricanEstrella StarAfricana]] (LiberiaLliberia, 6 Februaryde febreru de 1962)
* [[HeroHéroe of LabourObreru]], (DemocraticRepública RepublicDemocrática ofde Vietnam, 28 Aprild'abril de 1962)
* GoldMedaya Medald'Oru ofdel thegobiernu Austrian Governmentaustríacu, 1962
* Presidente honorariu de l'Ensame Soviéticu-Cubanu d'Amistá
* Honorary president of the Soviet-Cuban friendship society
* Miembru honorariu de l'Ensame "Xunión Soviética-Finesa"
* Honorary Member of the Society, "the Finland-Soviet Union"
* [[OrderOrde ofde Karl Marx]] (GermanRepública DemocraticDemocrática RepublicXermana, 22 Octoberd'ochobre de 1963)
* [[JubileeMedaya'l MedalXubiléu "TwentyVenti YearsAños ofde Victoryla inVitoria thena GreatGran PatrioticGuerra WarPatriótica 1941–19451941-1945"]] (USSRXSSR, 9 Mayde mayu de 1965)
* [[MedalMedaya al "ForServiciu Impeccable ServicePerfechu"]], 3rd3er classclas (SovietXunión UnionSoviética, Marchmarzu de 1966)
* Miembru Honrariu de l'[[Academia Internacional d'Aeronáutica]] (1966)
* Honorary member of the [[International Academy of Astronautics]] (1966)
* [[OrderOrde ofde Klement Gottwald]] (CzechoslovakRepública SocialistSocialista RepublicChecoslovaca)
* [[JubileeMedaya'l MedalXubiléu "50 Yearsaños ofde theles ArmedFuercies ForcesArmáes ofde thela USSR"XSSR]] (USSRXSSR, Januaryxineru de 1968)
* Medaya d'Oru de Konstantin Tsiolkovsky "pola so esceicional xera nel campu de les comunicaciones interplanetaries" (XSSR)
* Konstantin Tsiolkovsky Gold Medal "for outstanding work in the field of interplanetary communications" (USSR)
* MedalMedaya ofde ''de Lavaux'' (FAI)
* Medaya d'Oru y diplona "Home nel Espaciu", (Ensame Italianu del Espaciu)
* Gold medal and diploma "Man in Space", the Italian Association of Space
* GoldMedaya Medald'Oru "ForPola outstandingso differenceesceicional diferencia" andy theDiploma Royaldel AeroReal Aero-Club Diploma,suecu [[SwedenSuecia]]
* MedalMedaya ofde ColumbusColón (ItalyItalia)
* GoldMedaya Medald'Oru ofde Saint-Denis (FranceFrancia)
* GoldMedaya Medald'Oru Awarda "for couragel'enfotu" of thedel FundFondu MatstsottiMastsotti (ItalyItalia), 2007
and others.
Yuri Gagarin wastamién electedfoi annomáu honoraryciudadán citizenhonrariu ofde theles followingsiguientes citiesciudáes:
* [[USSRXSSR]]: [[Kaluga]], [[Novozybkov]], [[Klintsy]], [[Novocherkassk]], [[Lyubertsy]], [[Sumqayit]] (in modern-day [[Azerbaijan]]), [[Smolensk]], [[Vinnytsia]], [[Sevastopol]], [[Saratov]], [[Komsomolsk-on-Amur]], [[Tyumen]]
* [[RussiaRusia]]: [[Orenburg]]
* [[Bulgaria]]: [[Sofia]], [[Pernik]], [[Plovdiv]]
* [[GreeceGrecia]]: [[AthensAtenes]]
* [[CyprusChipre]]: [[Famagusta]], [[LimassolLlimasol]]
* [[FranceFrancia]]: [[Saint-Denis]]
* [[CzechoslovakiaChecosolovaquia]]: [[Trenčianske Teplice]]
HeTamién wasfoi alsoagasayáu awardedcoles thellaves goldend'oru keysde toles thepuertes gatesde ofles the cities ofciudáes d'[[CairoEl Cairu]] andy [[AlexandriaAlexandría]] ([[EgyptExiptu]]).
==Enllaces esternos==
*[[Ficheru:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg|20px]] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=b0ktgWlN7SE Gagarin's Start] – vídiu curtiu qu'inclúi la peparación, l'esnale y la torna a la Tierra de Gagarin
*{{cite book |url=http://books.google.com/books?id=2f4pSA4S8UwC&pg=PA140 |title=Soviet and Post-Soviet Identities |publisher=Cambridge University Press |location=Cambridge |editor1-first=Mark |editor1-last=Bassin |editor2-first=Catriona |editor2-last=Kelly |pages=140–141 |year=2012 |isbn=1107011175}}
*[[Ficheru:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg|20px]] [http://astrotalkuk.org/2011/07/25/yuri-gagarin-statue-in-london/ Episode 47 of astrotalkuk.org] RecordingGrabación fromde thel'eventu unveilingnel ofque s'asoleyara la estatua de Yuri Gagarin Statueen eventLondres, inel London14 onde 14xunetu Julyde 2011
*{{Cite book |title=Sportsmen of the Soviet Army |publisher=Novosti Press Agency |location=Moscow |first=Vyacheslav Mikhailovich |last=Gavrilin |year=1973 |oclc=23374154}}
*[[Ficheru:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg|20px]][http://astrotalkuk.org/2011/04/12/episode-42-april-12th-2011-rare-video-of-yuri-gagarin-in-manchester/ RareEstrañu B&Wdocumentu videoen withblanco somey audio, ofprieto (Yuri Gagarin inen Manchester el 12 Julyde xunetu de 1961)]
*{{Cite book |title=Challenge to Apollo: The Soviet Union and the Space Race, 1945–1974 |publisher=NASA |location=Washington, D.C. |first=Asif A |last=Siddiqi |year=2000 |id=SP-2000-4408 |oclc=48909645}} [http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4408pt1.pdf Part 1 (page 1-500)], [http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4408pt2.pdf Part 2 (page 501-1011)].
*[[Ficheru:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg|20px]][http://www.ispyspace.com/Yuri_Gagarin.html Yuri Gagarin – The First toPrimer Flyn'esnalar]
*[[Ficheru:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg|20px]][http://kp.ru/photo/gallery/1918/?showall=1 Gagarin'sSemeyes photosde Gagarin]
*[[Ficheru:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg|20px]][http://www.life.com/gallery/58491/yuri-gagarin-first-man-in-space#index/0 Yuri Gagarin: FirstPrimer Manhome innel Spaceespaciu] – slideshow bypor ''[[LifeRevista magazineLife]]''
*[[Ficheru:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg|20px]][http://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/bday/0309.html ObituaryCabudañu, NY Times, 28 Marchde marzu de 1968, ''Yuri Gagarin Killedmuertu al Ascayer Testla Planeso Fallsnave'']
*{{ru[[Image:Flag icon}}of Russia.svg|20px]] [http://epizodsspace.testpilot.ru/bibl/gagarin/doroga/obl.html Юрий Гагарин. Дорога в космос]&nbsp;— hisel so bookllibru inen Russianrusu (HTML)
*[[Ficheru:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg|20px]][http://www.astronautix.com/astros/gagarin.htm Gagarin]&nbsp;— detailed biography at [http://www.astronautix.com/ Encyclopedia Astronautica]
*[http://www.ffagency.com/gagarin/ ListLlista (withcon photossemeyes) ofde Gagarinles statuesestatues de Yuri Gagarin]
*[[Ficheru:Flag of Finland.svg|20px]][[Ficheru:Flag of Russia.svg|20px]] [http://yle.fi/elavaarkisto/?s=s&g=2&ag=12&t=283&a=02190 Entrevista d'once minutos a Yuri Gagarin pola Televisión Pública Finesa en 1961]
*[[Ficheru:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg|20px]][http://www.yurisnight.net Yuri'sNueche Nightde Yuri - World Space Party]
*[[Ficheru:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg|20px]][http://yurigagarin50.org/ 50 aniversariu del vuelu de Yuri Gagarin]
*[[Ficheru:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg|20px]][http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-12875848 El Klushino de Yuri Gagarin's Klushino: ForgottenL'escaecíu homellar ofd'una spacelleenda legendespacial]
*[[Ficheru:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg|20px]][http://www.itnsource.com/shotlist//ITN/1961/07/15/FS150761005/?s=yuri+gagarin&st=0&pn=1 Filmación de Yuri Gagarin footage fromde 1961]
*[[Ficheru:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg|20px]][http://rbth.ru/yury_gagarin Yuri Gagarin]
*[[Ficheru:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg|20px]][http://en.ria.ru/photolents/20140309/188254029/Yury-Gagarin-Life-of-the-First-Man-in-Space-in-Pictures.html YurySemeyes Gagarinde photographsYuri Gagarin]
[[Categoría:Cosmonautes rusos]] [[Categoría:Xunión Soviética]]
==Otres llectures==
*{{Cite book |title=The Cosmonaut Who couldn't Stop Smiling: The Life and Legend of Yuri Gagarin |publisher=Northern Illinois University Press |first=Andrew L |last=Jenks |year=2012 |isbn=978-0-87580-447-7}}
*{{Cite book |title=Vostok 1: First Human in Space |publisher=Enslow |location=[[Springfield Township, Union County, New Jersey|Springfield, NJ]] |first=Michael D |last=Cole |year=1995 |isbn=0-89490-541-4}}
*{{Cite book |title=Starman: The Truth Behind the Legend of Yuri Gagarin |publisher=Bloomsbury |location=[[London]] |first1=Jamie |last1=Doran |first2=Piers |last2=Bizony |year=1998 |isbn=0-7475-4267-8}}
==Enllaces esternos==
{{Commons category|Yuri Gagarin}}
{{External media
|topic = Memorial to Gagarin and Seregin at crash location
|subtopic = Google Maps
|font-size = 110
|image1 = [http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=56.061303,39.032707&spn=0.047057,0.165997&t=h&z=13&iwloc=lyrftr:com.panoramio.all,767965484473153919,56.046541,39.027214&lci=com.panoramio.all Memorial obelisk photo]
|image2 = [http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=56.046493,39.027214&spn=0,0.165997&t=h&z=13&lci=com.panoramio.all&layer=c&cbll=56.046493,39.027214&cbp=12,0,0,5&photoid=po-12066999 Memorial obelisk closeup photo]
|image3 = Coordinates {{coord|56.04664|N|39.0265|E|}}
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=b0ktgWlN7SE Gagarin's Start] – short video by [[Roscosmos]] including the preparation, Gagarin's flight, and Gagrin back on Earth
*[http://astrotalkuk.org/2011/07/25/yuri-gagarin-statue-in-london/ Episode 47 of astrotalkuk.org] Recording from the unveiling of Yuri Gagarin Statue event in London on 14 July 2011
*[http://astrotalkuk.org/2011/04/12/episode-42-april-12th-2011-rare-video-of-yuri-gagarin-in-manchester/ Rare B&W video with some audio, of Yuri Gagarin in Manchester 12 July 1961]
*{{YouTube|RKs6ikmrLgg|Feature Film}} [[First Orbit]] from [http://www.firstorbit.org/ firstorbit.org]
*[http://www.ispyspace.com/Yuri_Gagarin.html Yuri Gagarin – The First to Fly]
*[http://kp.ru/photo/gallery/1918/?showall=1 Gagarin's photos]
*[http://www.life.com/gallery/58491/yuri-gagarin-first-man-in-space#index/0 Yuri Gagarin: First Man in Space] – slideshow by ''[[Life magazine]]''
*[http://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/bday/0309.html Obituary, NY Times, 28 March 1968 ''Yuri Gagarin Killed As Test Plane Falls'']
*{{ru icon}} [http://epizodsspace.testpilot.ru/bibl/gagarin/doroga/obl.html Юрий Гагарин. Дорога в космос]&nbsp;— his book in Russian (HTML)
*{{ru icon}} [http://www.rgantd.ru/gag70_cd/start_me.htm Photo, Audio and Video with Yuri Gagarin], online version of CD created to his 70th anniv. on the homepage of Russian state archive for scientific-technical documentation (RGANTD).
*{{ru icon}} [http://www.rtc.ru/encyk/gagarin/main1.shtml Article in online Encyclopedia of cosmonautics] A lot of information about the first human's flight to space.
*{{ru icon}} [http://hyyuducom.narod.ru/santer/gagarin/index.html Gagarin's flight 3D visualization]&nbsp;— contains the real record of his conversation with the Earth during the spaceflight
*{{ru icon}} [http://epizodsspace.testpilot.ru/bibl/i_tsk/zv-reis.html Annotated transcript of Gagarin's radio conversations with ground stations, starting 2hrs (4:10 UTC) before launch]
*[http://www.astronautix.com/astros/gagarin.htm Gagarin]&nbsp;— detailed biography at [http://www.astronautix.com/ Encyclopedia Astronautica]
*[http://www.ffagency.com/gagarin/ List (with photos) of Gagarin statues]
*{{fi icon}} {{ru icon}} [http://yle.fi/elavaarkisto/?s=s&g=2&ag=12&t=283&a=02190 11 minutes long interview of Yuri Gagarin by The Finnish Broadcasting Company in 1961]
*[http://www.yurisnight.net Yuri's Night – World Space Party]
*[http://yurigagarin50.org/ 50th Anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight into space]
*[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-12875848 Yuri Gagarin's Klushino: Forgotten home of space legend]
*{{Find a Grave|3485}}
*[http://www.itnsource.com/shotlist//ITN/1961/07/15/FS150761005/?s=yuri+gagarin&st=0&pn=1 Yuri Gagarin footage from 1961]
*[http://rbth.ru/yury_gagarin Yuri Gagarin]
*[http://en.ria.ru/photolents/20140309/188254029/Yury-Gagarin-Life-of-the-First-Man-in-Space-in-Pictures.html Yury Gagarin photographs]