Yo, la persona titular de los drechos d'autor d'esta obra, la llibero como dominiu públicu. Esto s'aplica nel mundu ensembre. En dellos países seique esto nun seya posible llegalmente; nesti casu: Doi a cualesquier persona permisu pa usar esta obra pa cualesquier propósitu, ensin denguna condición, menos si eses condiciones requierense pola llei.
↑ abcdRicard Anguera (May 2006). "The Channel Tunnel—an ex post economic evaluation". Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice40 (4): 291-315.
set terminal svg enhanced fsize 12 size 750,500
set output 'chunnel traffic.svg'
set datafile missing '-'
set datafile separator "\t"
set style data linespoints
set title "Channel Tunnel traffic"
set xlabel "Year"
set xdata time
set timefmt '%Y'
set xtics nomirror
set mxtics 2
set xrange ["1994":"2011"]
set format x "%Y"
set ytics 2
set y2tics 2
set ylabel "Millions of passengers"
set y2label "Millions of tonnes of freight"
set grid noxtics
set grid ytics
set key on inside left top box
set key autotitle columnhead
set yrange [0:22]
set y2range [0:22]
set style line 1 lw 3 pt 4 # for Eurostar passengers
set style line 2 lw 3 pt 4 # for Le Shuttle passengers
set style line 3 pt 3 # for Le Shuttle freight
set style line 4 pt 3 lc rgb "#660066" # for Through freight
plot 'chunnel.dat' using 1:2 linestyle 1, '' u 1:3 ls 2, '' u 1:4 ls 3, '' u 1:5 ls 4
Añade una esplicación d'una llinia de lo que representa esti archivu
A graph of traffic through the Chunnel, 1994–2010
Graphique décrivant le trafic du tunnel sous la Manche (1994–2010)
fixing a bug with the cyan crosses/purple curve (wikimedia puts purple on both the line & the crosses, but Firefox respects the SVG code & put cyan crosses with purple line; new code uses purple for both the curve and the crosses)
{{Information |Description=A graph of traffic through the Chunnel, 1994–2007 |Source=self-made |Date=14 March 2008 |Author= Nkocharh |Permission=In the public domain |other_versions= }}