Carol Remmer Angle

toxicóloga estauxunidense

Carol Remmer Angle (20 d'avientu de 1927) ye una pediatra, nefróloga, y toxicóloga estauxunidense. La Dra. Angle ye reconocida como una de les principales investigadores en saturnismo.[1]

Carol Remmer Angle
Nacimientu 20 d'avientu de 1927 (96 años)
Nacionalidá Bandera de Estaos Xuníos d'América Estaos Xuníos
Estudios Wellesley College (es) Traducir
Centro Médico Weill Cornell (es) Traducir
Oficiu toxicóloga
Emplegadores Centro Médico de la Universidad de Nebraska (es) Traducir
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Biografía editar

Ye profesora emérita del Centru Médicu de la Universidá de Nebraska (UNMC) en Omaha, Nebraska. Desenvuelve actividaes científiques y académiques na UNMC dende 1971[2] y foi una de les primeres muyeres en ser presidente d'un departamentu médicu académicu (pediatría).[3] Foi tamién Xefa de nefroloxía pediátrica, direutora de la unidá de Cuidos intensivos pediátricos, y direutor de toxicoloxía médica. En 1957, la Dra. Angle along with Dr. Matilda McIntire, founded one of the country’s first poison control centers.[4] La Dra. Angle ye mienro fundadora y presidenta de la American Association of Poison Control Centers.[5] Por cuarenta años, sirvió como esperta del NIEHS, National Institutes of Health[6] y de l'Axencia de Proteición Ambiental d'Estaos Xuníos onde s'investiga la toxicidá de metales pesaos. Sigue como consultora de toxicoloxía, revisora y editora.

Formación editar

Wellesley College; Cornell Medical College School; New York Hospital Pediatric, Internáu y Residencia; University of Nebraska Hospital, Residency[7]

Reconocencia editar

  • Direutora, Educación Médica, Childrens Memorial Hospital, Omaha, Nebraska, 1954-1967[8]
  • Direutora, Centru de Control de Tóxicos Nebraska Master, 1957-1966[9]
  • Coordinadora Estadual, Nebraska Master Poison Control Center, 1957-1966[8]
  • Direutora, Clínica Pediátrica Renal, Univ. de Nebraska Hospital & Clíniques, 1966-1984[10]
  • Direutora, Unidá Pediátrica de Cuidos Intensivos, Univ. de Nebraska Hospital, 1968-1974[11]
  • Presidenta del Programa, Asociación Americana de Centros de Control Toxicológicu, 1977-1979[5]
  • Profesora, Dto de Pediatría, Univ. de Nebraska Fac. de Medicina, 1971-1998[12]
  • Direutora, Fundación Nacional del Centru de Tratamientu de Defectos Conxénitos, Children's Memorial Hospital, 1974-1981[10]
  • Miembru, Toxicology Advisory Board, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, 1978-1982[13]
  • Chairman, Department of Pediatrics, University of Nebraska College of Medicine, 1981-1985[14]
  • Miembru, National Advisory Environmental Health Sciences Council, NIH, 1984-1987
  • Direutora, Clinical Toxicology, University of Nebraska Medical Center, 1985-1998[15]
  • Editora xefa, Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology, 1989-2002[16][17]
  • Profesora emérita, Dto. de Pediatría, University of Nebraska College of Medicine, 1999–present[18]
  • Honor Award, Matthew J. Ellenhorn Award, 2003[19]
  • Gallardón d'Honor, University of Nebraska Medical Center Legends Award, 2008 [1][20]

Publicaciones editar

  • Angle CR: Congenital bowing and angulation of long bones. Pediatrics 13:257-267, 1954
  • Angle CR: Poison control outlines: toxicity of insecticides and herbicides. Nebr Med J 48:644-646, 1963
  • Angle CR and McIntire MS: Lead poisoning during pregnancy: fetal tolerance of calcium disodium edentate. Am J Dis Child 108:436-439, 1964
  • Angle CR: Acute renal failure. J Lancet 86:355-362, 1966
  • Angle CR and McIntire MS: Evaluation of a poison information center. J Lancet 86:363-365, 1966
  • Angle CR, McIntire MS and Moore, RC: Cloverleaf skull: Kleeblattschadel-deformity syndrome. Am J Dis Child 114:098-202, 1967
  • Angle CR, McIntire MS and Zetterman RA: CNS symptoms in childhood poisoning. Clin Toxicol 1:19-29, 1968
  • Angle CR, McIntire MS and Meile R: Neurologic sequelae of poisoning in children. J Pediat 73:531-539, 1968
  • Angle CR and McIntire MS: Persistent dystonia in a brain damaged child after ingestion of phenothiazine. J Pediat 73:124-126, 1968
  • Angle CR and Glyn M: The value of a pediatric high intensity care unit. Nebr Med J 54:737-740, 1969
  • Angle CR: Symposium on iron poisoning. Clin Tox 4:525-527, 1971
  • Angle CR and McIntire MS: Rede cell lead, whole blood lead and rede cell enzymes. Environ Health Perspect 7:133-137, 1974
  • Angle CR and Wermers J: Human poisoning with flea-dip concentrate. J Am Vet Med Assc 165:174-175, 1974
  • Angle CR, McIntire MS and Vest BS: Blood lead of Omaha school children topographic correlation with industry, traffic and housing. Nebr Med J 60:97-102, 1975
  • Angle CR: Llocomotor skills and school accidents. Pediatrics 56:819-822, 1975
  • Angle CR, McIntire MS and Brunk G: Effect of anemia on blood and tissue lead in rats. J Toxicol Environ Health 3:557-563, 1977
  • Angle CR, Trembath EJ and Strond W: The myelodysplasia and hydrocephalus program in Nebraska: A 15 year review of cost and benefits, Park I. Nebr Med J 62:359-361 (Oct), 1977; Part II. Nebr Med J 63:391-939 (nov) 1977
  • Angle CR and McIntire MS: Lead, mercury and cadmium: toxicity in children. Paediatrician 6:204-225, 1977
  • Angle CR and McIntire MS: Low level lead and inhibition of erythrocyte pyrimidine nucleotidase. Environ Res 17:296-302, 1978
  • Angle CR and McIntire MS: Environmental lead and children – the Omaha Study. J Toxicol Environ Health 5:855-870, 1979
  • Angle CR, Stohs SJ, McIntire MS, Swanson MS and Rovang K: Lead induced accumulation of erythrocyte pyrimidine nucleotides in the rabbit. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 54:161-167, 1980
  • Angle CR: The Department of Pediatrics, UNMC. Neb Med J 53-54, 1981
  • Angle CR, McIntire MS, Swanson MS and Stohs SJ: Erythrocyte nucleotides in children – increased blood lead and cytidine triphosphate. Pediatr Res 16:331-334, 1982
  • Angle CR, O’Brien TP and McIntire MS: Adolescent self-poisoning – a 9 year follow-up. JDBP 4:83-87, 1983
  • Angle CR, Marcus A, Cheng I and McIntire MS: Omaha childhood blood lead and environmental lead: A linear exposure model. Environ Res 35:160-170, 1984
  • Angle CR, Swanson MS, Stohs SJ and Markin RS: Abnormal erythrocyte pyrimidine nucleotides in uremic subjects. Nephron 39:169-174, 1985
  • Angle CR and Kuntzelman DR: Increased erythrocyte protoporphyrins and blood lead – A pilot study of childhood growth patterns. J Toxicol Environ Health 26:149-156, 1989
  • Angle CR, Thomas DJ and Swanson SA: Toxicity of cadmium to rat osteosarcoma cells (ROS 17/2.8): Protective effect of 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D3. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 103:113-120, 1990
  • Angle CR, Thomas DJ and Swanson SA: Lead inhibits the basal and stimulated responses of a rat osteoblast-like cell line ROS 17/2.8 to 1,25 dihydroxyvitamine D3 and IGF-I. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 103:281-287, 1990
  • Angle CR, Thomas DJ, Swanson SA: Osteotoxicity of cadmium and lead in HOS TE 85 and ROS 17/2.8 cells: Relation to metallothionein induction and mitochondrial binding. BioMetals 5:179-184, 1993
  • Angle CR, Manton WI, Stanek KL. Stable isotope Identification of Lead Sources in Preschool Children-the Omaha Study. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 33:657-62, 1995
  • Angle CR, Swanson SA: Arsenite enhances homocysteine-induced proliferation of fibroblasts in human aortic smooth muscle cells in B12 (Cobalamin) deficient media. Submitted to Environmental Health Perspectives, xunetu 1997
  • Angle CR. Pitfalls of correlation of childhood blood lead and cognitive development. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 40(4):521-2, 2002

Referencies editar

  1. Buttry, Stephen (15 de xineru de 2002). escritu en News. Authority on lead poisoning now focuses on her garden.  p. 2B. «In more than 40 years at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Angle became one of the nation's leading researchers of lead poisoning, tying elevated blood levels of lead to various environmental causes.». 
  2. McMaster, Andrea (21 de nov. 2008). «2008 Legends Honored». University of Nebraska Medical Center. Consultáu'l 4 de dic. 2012. «Through much of her career, she has been active in the National Foundation Birth Defects Treatment Center and she also has served on the editorial board of the Journal of Toxicology -- Clinical Toxicology and the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health.»
  3. First Chairwoman Named by N.O. College of Medicine. 1 de marzu de 1981.  p. 10–B. «For the first time in its 100-year history, the University of Nebraska College of Medicine has a woman heading one of its departments. Dr. Carol R. Angle who has been on the N.O. faculty since 1954, has been named chairman of the department of pediatrics.». 
  4. Bradley, Qianna (4 d'abril de 2007). Center's 50 years of saving lives Poison facts. «The center was begun in 1957 under the leadership of Drs. Matilda McIntire and Carol Angle». 
  5. 5,0 5,1 Omahan Heads Poison Agency. 10 de xineru de 1975.  p. 4. «Dr. Carol Angle, pediatrics professor at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, has assumed the presidency of the American Association of Poison Control Centers.». 
  6. First Chairwoman Named by N.O. College of Medicine. 1 de marzu de 1981.  p. 10–B. «Dr. Angle, whose research focuses on environmental health related to children, is a member of a research review section for the National Institutes of Health.». 
  7. . 10 de xunetu de 1954. «Dr. Angle, who comes from Oakdale, Long Island, originally is a graduate of Wellesley College and Cornell Medical School. She took two years of pediatric training at New York Hospital of Cornell Medical Center and a third year at Childrens Hospital.». 
  8. 8,0 8,1 Ware, Doris Ann (18 de xineru de 1970). Pediatrics and Poison Her Specialties.  p. 7–Y. «She was direutor of medical education at Childrens Memorial Hospital from 1954 until 1967, and direutor of the Nebraska Master Poison Control Center from 1957 until 1966.». 
  9. Sedative-Poisoned Children Will Participate n Study. 25 de marzu de 1966.  p. 8. «Dr. Carol R. Angle, direutor of the Poison Control Center at the hospital, will head the project.». 
  10. 10,0 10,1 First Chairwoman Named by N.O. College of Medicine. 1 de marzu de 1981.  p. 10–B. «She is clinical direutor of the N.O. Medical Center's pediatric renal clinic and the Nebraska Birth Defects Clinic.». 
  11. Ware, Doris Ann (18 de xineru de 1970). Pediatrics and Poison Her Specialties.  p. 7–Y. «Dr. Angle is direutor of the pediatric intensive care unit and the pediatric renal clinic at the university, and is associate editor of the national journal, Clinical Toxicology.». 
  12. Two Leaving N.O. Medical Posts. 27 de marzu de 1980.  p. 39. «Dr. Carol Angle, professor of pediatrics, will serve as acting chairman of the pediatrics department, starting April 1.». 
  13. Adviser Named. 17 de xunu de 1979.  p. 14–B. «Dr. Carol Angle, a pediatrics professor at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, has been named a member of the Consumer Product Safety Commission's toxicology advisory board.». 
  14. Dr. Angle Selected. 18 de marzu de 1982.  p. 4. «Dr. Carol Angle, chairman of the department of pediatrics at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, has been selected as president-elect of the metals specialty section of the Society of Toxicology.». 
  15. Setton, Dolly (12 d'ochobre de 1998). «The Berkshire Bunch». Consultáu'l 11 d'avientu de 2012. «Dr. Angle still practices medicine, as direutor of clinical toxicology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.»
  16. McMaster, Andrea (21 de nov. 2008). «2008 Legends Honored». University of Nebraska Medical Center. Consultáu'l 4 de dic. 2012. «Through much of her career, she has been active in the National Foundation Birth Defects Treatment Center and she also has served on the editorial board of the Journal of Toxicology -- Clinical Toxicology and the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health.»
  17. Buttry, Stephen (15 de xineru de 2002). escritu en News. From cannonballs to gasoline, lead's history is long About this story.  p. 1B. «Angle, who still edits the Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology, and her colleagues began studying the health effects of emissions from Omaha's industries, which also included an Asarco refinery that eventually closed in 1997.». 
  18. «ACMT Awards». American College of Medical Toxicology. Consultáu'l 4 de dic. 2012. «A professor emeritus for the UNMC Department of Pediatrics, Dr. Angle joined the UNMC medical staff in 1971 and served in a number of roles including chairman of the department of pediatrics.»
  19. «ACMT Awards». American College of Medical Toxicology. Consultáu'l 4 d'avientu de 2012.
  20. McMaster, Andrea (21 de payares de 2008). «=5141 2008 Legends Honored» páxs. UNMC News. University of Nebraska Medical Center. Consultáu'l 4 d'avientu de 2012.

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