Los ragiínos (Rhagiini) son una tribu de coleópteros crisomeloideos de la familia Cerambycidae.

Clasificación científica
Reinu: Animalia
Filu: Arthropoda
Clas: Insecta
Orde: Coleoptera
Suborde: Polyphaga
Superfamilia: Chrysomeloidea
Familia: Cerambycidae
Subfamilia: Lepturinae
Tribu: Rhagiini
Kirby, 1837
Ver testu.
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Referencies editar

  • Mulsant, 1839, Col. France., Longic.: 219, 230.
  • Ohbayashi, N., M. Satô and K. Kojima, 1992. An Illustrated Guide to Identification of Longicorn Beetle of Japan, Tokai University Press (Tokyo). ISBN 4-486-01181-3.
  • Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences,Subfamily Lepturinae: tribe Rhagiini (atlas of long-horned beetles of Russia)

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