A Voyage to Terra Australis

03-04-2019 17:46

A Voyage to Terra Australis: Undertaken for the Purpose of Completing the Discovery of that Vast Country, and Prosecuted in the Years 1801, 1802, and 1803, in His Majesty's Ship the Investigator, (embrivíu Voi. Terra Austral.), foi escritu pol navegante y esplorador inglés Matthew Flinders. Descríbese la so circunnavegación cerca del continente australianu nos primeros años del sieglu XIX, y el so encarcelamientu polos franceses na islla de Mauriciu dende 1804 hasta 1810. [1][2]

A Voyage to Terra Australis: Undertaken for the Purpose of Completing the Discovery of that Vast Country, and Prosecuted in the Years 1801, 1802, and 1803, in His Majesty's Ship the Investigator
País Inglaterra
Idioma inglés
Categoría Botánica
Abreviatura Voi. Terra Austral.
Editor Matthew Flinders
Frecuencia Espublizáu en 2 volúmenes
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