Marie-Stéphanie Samain

botánica belxicana

Marie-Stéphanie Samain ye una botánica, curadora, docente, taxónoma, y esploradora belga.[1]

Marie-Stéphanie Samain
Nacimientu sieglu de XX
Nacionalidá Bandera de Bélxica Bélxica
Residencia Ciudá de Méxicu
Oficiu botánica
Abreviatura en botánica Samain (IPNI)
Cambiar los datos en Wikidata



En 2008, llogró'l doctoráu en ciencies biolóxiques, na Universidá de Gante, Bélxica. Antes, en 2003, nesa mesma casa d'altos estudios, el M.Sc..[1]

Desenvuelve actividaes académiques nel Institutu d'Ecoloxía, Centru Rexonal del Bajío, Pátzcuaro Michoacán, Méxicu.[2] Ente otres families especializar en Hydrangeaceae, y con énfasis nel xéneru Hydrangea.

Delles publicaciones

  • f. González, s.t. Wagner, k. Salomo, l. Symmank, m.-s- Samain, s. Isnard, n.p. Rowe, c. Neinhuis, s. Wanke. 2014. Present trans-Pacific disjunct distribution of Aristolochia subgenus Isotrema (Aristolochiaceae) was shaped by dispersal, vicariance and extinction. J. of Biogeography 41: 380 - 391.
  • sarah t. Wagner, linnea Hesse, sandrine Isnard, marie-stéphanie Samain, jay Bolin, erika Maass, christoph Neinhuis, nick p. Rowe, stefan Wanke. 2014. Major trends in stem anatomy and growth forms in the perianth-bearing Piperales, with special focus on Aristolochia. Ann. of botany doi: 10.1093/aob/mcu044
  • e. Cires, y. De Smet, c. Cuesta, p. Goetghebeur, s. Sharrock, d. Gibbs, s. Oldfield, a. Kramer, m.s. Samain. 2013. Gap analyses to support ex situ conservation of genetic diversity in Magnolia, a flagship plant group. Biodiversity and Conservation 22: 567 - 590.
  • c. Granados Mendoza, s. Wanke, k. Salomo, p. Goetghebeur, m.s. Samain. 2013. First application of the phylogenetic informativeness method to chloroplast markers: a test case of closely related species in tribe Hydrangeeae (Hydrangeaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution 66: 233 - 242.
  • g. Pino, n. Cieza, s. Wanke, m.s. Samain. 2012. New succulent window-leaved Peperomias from Peru. Haseltonia 18: 5-28.
  • h.t. Horner, s. Wanke, m.s. Samain. 2012. Evolution and systematic value of leaf crystal macropatterns in the genus Piper (Piperaceae): a comparison with the genus Peperomia. American J. of Botany 99: 983 - 997.
  • m.s. Samain, e. Cires. 2012. Plants for the future – A future for our planet. Towards a protocol for genetic management of ex situ living plant collections. BGJournal 9: 3 - 6.
  • l. Symmank, m.s. Samain, j.f. Smith, g. Pino, p. Goetghebeur, c. Neinhuis, s. Wanke. 2011. From the Andean cradle in Peru to the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt: the extraordinary journey of the geophytic Peperomia subgenus Tildenia (Piperaceae). J. of Biogeography 38: 2337 - 2349.
  • g. Mathieu, l. Symmank, r. Callejas, s. Wanke, c. Neinhuis, p. Goetghebeur, m.s. Samain. 2011. New geophytic Peperomia (Piperaceae) species from Mexico, Belize and Costa Rica. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 82: 357 - 382.
  • j.e. Rivera Hernández, m.s. Samain. 2011. Where has Aristolochia tricaudata (Aristolochiaceae) gone? New record of a critically endangered species in Oaxaca, Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 82: 281 - 286.
  • m.s. Samain, g. Mathieu, g. Pino, l. Symmank, n. Cieza, c. Neinhuis, p. Goetghebeur, s. Wanke. 2011. The geophytic Peperomia subgenus Tildenia (Piperaceae) in the Andes with the description of new species in a phylogenetic framework. Plant Ecology & Evolution 144: 148 - 176.
  • -------------, s. Wanke, p. Goetghebeur. 2010. Unraveling extensive paraphyly in the genus Hydrangea s.l. with implications for the systematics of tribe Hydrangeeae. Systematic Botany 35: 593 - 600.
  • -------------, a. Vrijdaghs, m. Hesse, p. Goetghebeur, f. Jiménez Rodríguez, a. Stoll, c. Neinhuis, s. Wanke. 2010. Verhuellia is a segregate lineage in Piperaceae: more evidence from flower, fruit and pollen morphology, anatomy and development. Ann. of Botany 105: 677 - 688.
  • -------------, l. Vanderschaeve, p. Chaerle, p. Goetghebeur, c. Neinhuis, s. Wanke. 2009. Is morphology telling the truth about the evolution of the giant genus Peperomia (Piperaceae)? Plant Systematics & Evolution 278: 1 - 21.
  • -------------, s. Wanke, g. Mathieu, c. Neinhuis, p. Goetghebeur. 2008. Verhuellia revisited – unravelling an intricate taxonomic history and a new subfamilial classification of the Piperaceae. Taxon 57: 583 - 587.
  • j.e. Rivera Hernández, m.s. Samain. 2011. Where has Aristolochia tricaudata (Aristolochiaceae) gone? New record of a critically endangered species in Oaxaca, Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 82: 281 - 286
  • s. Wanke, l. Vanderschaeve, g. Mathieu, c. Neinhuis, p. Goetghebeur, m.s. Samain. 2007. From forgotten taxon to a missing link? The position of the genus Verhuellia (Piperaceae) revealed by molecules. Ann. of Botany 99: 1231 - 1238.
  • ------------, m.s. Samain, l. Vanderschaeve, g. Mathieu, p. Goetghebeur, c. Neinhuis. 2006. Phylogeny of the genus Peperomia (Piperaceae) inferred from the trnK/matK region (cpDNA). Plant Biology 8: 93 - 102.




  • IUCN/SSC Global Tree Specialist Group.
  • comité editorial International Journal of Environmental Studies.


  • Acta Botanica Mexicana.



L'abreviatura Samain emplégase pa indicar a Marie-Stéphanie Samain como autoridá na descripción y clasificación científica de los vexetales. (consulta la llista de tolos xéneros y especies descritos por esta autora nel IPNI).

Ver tamién



  • R. K. Brummitt, C. E. Powell. 1992. Authors of plant names: a list of authors of scientific names of plants, with recommended standard forms of their names, including abbreviations. Edición reimpresa de Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 732 p. ISBN 0947643443



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