Afáyate NahidSultan na Wikipedia n'asturianu. Esta ye la to páxina d'alderique, equí van escribite los otros usuarios. Amás, tienes la to páxina d'usuariu, onde pues poner los tos datos, intereses, les llingües que fales, etc. Si tienes duldes consulta l'ayuda.

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  • Pa contestar al mensaxe d'un usuariu tienes que lo facer na so páxina d'alderique, si non, nun-y saldrá l'avisu de que tien mensaxes nuevos y igual nun s'entera. Pón-ylo al final de la páxina pa que tea más bono d'atopar. Que nun se t'escaeza firmar el mensaxe poniendo ~~~~ a lo último, o calcar nel botón que s'amuesa na imaxe. Recuerda que los artículos NUN se firmen. Los comentarios, SÍ
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--Vítor Suárez (alderique) 14:34, 25 xineru 2014 (UTC)

Broken redirect editar

Yá sé qu'igual ye inusual n'otres wikipedies, pero'l fechu de que dalgunos artículos redirixan a una páxina vacía, nun ye un fallu. Cenciellamente, esta ye una wikipedia con menor númberu d'usuarios y nun da tiempu a too. Lo que se fai ye redirixilo al sitiu correutu hasta que daquién tenga tiempu pa facer l'artículu. Gracies poles aportaciones, pero vamos siguir dexando eses direiciones asina. Col tiempu dirán completándose. Nun ye un problema nin un fallu. Un saludu ;)--Astur (alderique) 16:07 10 och 2015 (UTC)Responder

Hi Astur. Nice to meet you but I'm afraid I don't understand what you're saying as I only speak Bengali & English. I'm sorry. However, Is it something wrong that I'v done with 'broken redirects'? NahidSultan (alderique) 16:19 10 och 2015 (UTC)Responder
Hi, sorry me. I thought you could understand asturian. Sorry my level of english, (i'll try to explain it). I mean that maybe broken redirects are a bad thing in another wikipedias. But this is a small wikipedia, with less contributors, and sometimes an article redirects to another who still doesn't exist. This is unusual, i know, but this way of work save us a precious time because we are targeting and warning to future users that it is better to write the article in the point to which we are redirecting it. ;) Don't worry, you were doing your contributions ok, but maybe in other wikipedias. In this small wikipedia, this way of work let us save time. (In fact, i manage a bot who is able to repair broken redirects, but i don't run it, because the things i've told you ;) ) --Astur (alderique) 16:29 10 och 2015 (UTC)Responder
I can totally understand your situation and no problem with that as long as the community wants them to stay :) I'll keep that in mind next time. Best of luck with your project. Cheers! NahidSultan (alderique) 16:39 10 och 2015 (UTC)Responder
Thank you very much for your time in Asturian wiki! I've removed your delete notice in broken redirects, but still I want to tell you that your help here is very appreciated. All the best! --Oriciu (alderique) 18:47 10 och 2015 (UTC)Responder

Files on astwiki editar

Hi! I have already deleted some undoubtedly non-free files on ast-wiki. I'm getting in touch with known users so they upload themselves their files to Commons, and I will contact other users via their talk pages, so they keep their autorship. Is there any time limit to complete this task?

Regards --Oriciu (alderique) 22:11 12 abr 2016 (UTC)Responder

Thank you very much. There is no time-limit (as far as I know) as of now, we're randomly cleaning xwikis. Once again thanks for your help. NahidSultan (alderique) 22:32 12 abr 2016 (UTC)Responder