Wiki Loves Folklore
editarHello Folks,
Wiki Loves Love is back again in 2020 iteration as Wiki Loves Folklore from 1 February, 2020 - 29 February, 2020. Join us to celebrate the local cultural heritage of your region with the theme of folklore in the international photography contest at Wikimedia Commons. Images, videos and audios representing different forms of folk cultures and new forms of heritage that haven’t otherwise been documented so far are welcome submissions in Wiki Loves Folklore. Learn more about the contest at Meta-Wiki and Commons.
Kind regards,
Wiki Loves Folklore International Team
— Tulsi Bhagat (contribs | talk)
sent using MediaWiki message delivery (alderique) 06:14 18 xin 2020 (UTC)
Movement Learning and Leadership Development Project
The Wikimedia Foundation’s Community Development team is seeking to learn more about the way volunteers learn and develop into the many different roles that exist in the movement. Our goal is to build a movement informed framework that provides shared clarity and outlines accessible pathways on how to grow and develop skills within the movement. To this end, we are looking to speak with you, our community to learn about your journey as a Wikimedia volunteer. Whether you joined yesterday or have been here from the very start, we want to hear about the many ways volunteers join and contribute to our movement.
To learn more about the project, please visit the Meta page. If you are interested in participating in the project, please complete this simple Google form. Although we may not be able to speak to everyone who expresses interest, we encourage you to complete this short form if you are interested in participating!
Yá se publicaron los encamientos Wikimedia 2030:
editarBonos díes a tol mundu. En esti enllaz van poder atopar les 13 encamientos para'l futuru del movimientu Wikimedia realizaes nel marcu del procesu Wikimedia 2030. Diches encamientos nacen de la comunidá, yá que cientos (pue que lléguese al millar) de persones alredor del mundu collaboraron apurriendo'l so feedback ya impresiones sobro'l futuru de los proyectos Wikimedia y el movimientu.
Cuidao que el procesu ye participativu, dende agora ábrese un periodu por que la comunidá analice y dea la so opinión sobro los encamientos realizaos y les repercusiones que podríen tener nel so contestu y día ente día. Pueden participar (más información, equí) sumándose al Canal abierta de Telegram (n'español) onde vamos analizar el conteníu de caúna de los encamientos, pueden escribir les sos impresiones nes páxines de discutiniu de cada encamientu (en Meta) y pueden contactar conmigo si precisen cualquier ayuda o por que resuelva les sos duldes sobro esti procesu y les sos consecuencies. El documentu final, colos cambeos necesarios pa dar cabida a tol feedback que puedan apurrinos dende esti momentu, tendrá de ser aprobáu pol Board de la Fundación Wikimedia. Un abrazu bien cordial!--FFort (WMF) (alderique) 20:56 25 xin 2020 (UTC)
Additional interface for edit conflicts on talk pages
editarSorry, for writing this text in English. If you could help to translate it, it would be appreciated.
You might know the new interface for edit conflicts (currently a beta feature). Now, Wikimedia Germany is designing an additional interface to solve edit conflicts on talk pages. This interface is shown to you when you write on a discussion page and another person writes a discussion post in the same line and saves it before you do. With this additional editing conflict interface you can adjust the order of the comments and edit your comment. We are inviting everyone to have a look at the planned feature. Let us know what you think on our central feedback page! -- For the Technical Wishes Team: Max Klemm (WMDE) 14:14 26 feb 2020 (UTC)
Editing news 2020 #1 – Discussion tools
editarRead this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
The Editing team has been working on the talk pages project. The goal of the talk pages project is to help contributors communicate on wiki more easily. This project is the result of the Talk pages consultation 2019.
The team is building a new tool for replying to comments now. This early version can sign and indent comments automatically. Please test the new Reply tool.
- On 31 March 2020, the new contestar tool was offered as a Beta Feature editors at four Wikipedias: Arabic, Dutch, French, and Hungarian. If your community also wants early access to the new tool, contact User:Whatamidoing (WMF).
- The team is planning some upcoming changes. Please review the proposed design and share your thoughts on the talk page. The team will test features such as:
- an easy way to mention another editor ("pinging"),
- a rich-text visual editing option, and
- other features identified through user testing or recommended by editors.
To hear more about Editing Team updates, please add your name to the "Get involved" section of the project page. You can also watch these pages: the main project page, Updates, Replying, and User testing.
– PPelberg (WMF) (talk) & Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk)
19:24 8 abr 2020 (UTC)
Política d'alministradores
editarNa páxina d'alderique de la política d'alministradores propongo una modificación a les normes. --Omarete (mensaxes) 09:52 17 abr 2020 (UTC)
- Como ya pasó una selmana, abro la votación equí. Hai de plazu hasta'l 24 de mayu a les 20:25 pa votar. --Omarete (mensaxes) 18:34 24 abr 2020 (UTC)
Votación pa desaniciar el castellán como llingua por defeutu
editarQueda aprobada la votación pa desaniciar el castellán como llingua por defeutu na interfaz por 8 votos a favor y 0 en contra: Resultáu final --Omarete (mensaxes) 18:30 24 abr 2020 (UTC)
Control de los cambeos recientes
editarVeo que munches veces tienen que vinir xente que patrulla les wikis pequeñes a revertir vandalismos y qué queréis que vos diga, paezme mui mal. Sobremanera cuando veo que ta editando xente veterana y/o colos permisos d'almin. Evidentemente nun podemos tar les 24 hores vixilando, pero cuando ves que vandalicen artículos y naide los corrixe en 24 hores, dame no sé qué... Agora, colos filtros de collores, ye bien fácil identificar les ediciones de IPs y de xente recién rexitrada, que son el 99,9% de les ediciones vandáliques. Nun hai disculpa. --Omarete (mensaxes) 18:57 24 abr 2020 (UTC)
Política de votaciones
editarPropongo un par de modificaciones na política de votaciones.
La principal ye nel puntu unu. Agora mesmu, un usuariu que tenga 100 ediciones pero que lleve 10 años ensin pasar pela Wikipedia, tien tol derechu del mundu a votar y nun lo veo bien. Al igual que tenemos polítiques d'actividá pa bots, alministradores, etc. deberíemos de tenela pa esto. Les decisiones de la Wikipedia tien que tomales la comunidá activa.
1.Pa poder participar nuna votación, al tiempu d'entamar una votación l'usuariu ha tar rexistráu y tien que tener polo menos 100 contribuciones al proyeutu y cuntar con un mes d'antigüedá polo menos (entenderáse por un mes 30 díes dende la so primer contribución).
Propongo que quede:
1.Pa poder participar nuna votación, al tiempu d'entamar la votación l'usuariu ha tar rexistráu, tener un mes d'antigüedá polo menos (entenderáse por un mes 30 díes dende la so primer contribución) y tener polo menos 100 contribuciones al proyeutu nel últimu añu.
Tamién habría que modificar el puntu 9, porque nun siempre va poder ser el qu'entamó la votación el que pueda llevar a cabo la mesma. Por exemplu, si ye una votación pa dar permisu d'alministrador, sólo podrán dalo los burócrates. Así que
9.L'usuariu que propunxo la votación va ser l'encargáu de dar efectu a la decisión tomada.
Debería ser:
9.L'usuariu que propunxo la votación va ser l'encargáu de dar efectu a la decisión tomada o de pidir a quien corresponda que lo faiga.
¿Qué pensáis? ¿Más coses de la política que nun vos presten o veislo too bien? --Omarete (mensaxes) 22:03 1 may 2020 (UTC)
- Paécenme bien esos cambios que propones; nada en contra nin nada qu'añader pela mio parte.--Limotecariu (¡Vamos parolar!) 06:12 2 may 2020 (UTC)
- A favor YoaR (alderique) 09:10 4 may 2020 (UTC)
- A favor Pachug (alderique) 00:34 11 may 2020 (UTC)
- A favor Oriciu (¿qué me cuentes?) 20:38 31 may 2020 (UTC)
Nacencies y muertes per añu
editarHola. Anguaño tenemos la mayoría d'artículos d'años prauticamente vacíos. Tengo fecho un script que llena les seiciones de nacencies y muertes que fai llistes de les persones que nacieron y morrieron nesos años garrando los datos dende Wikidata. Un exemplu ye l'artículu del añu 1744, que taba asina y agora ta d'esti modu. Otros exemplos: 1900 (enantes- agora) y 2020 (enantes y agora). Tenéi en cuenta que namás crea llistes de persones de les que tengamos artículu, les otres efemérides tienen qu'añadise a mano. Voi poneme a anovar tolos años que lo necesiten nesta selmana, pero enantes d'entamar podéis dicime cualquiera suxerencia que se vos ocurra. YoaR (alderique) 09:29 4 may 2020 (UTC)
- A mi paezme xenial. Los artículos d'años tan mui pobres la mayoría. Eso sí, yo nun tocaría los que tengan ya conteníu curiosu. Vamos, nun pisaría'l trabayu humanu. Y los metería nuna categoría de mantenimientu pa poder dir revisándolos, como la de Tradubot. Saludos. --Omarete (mensaxes) 12:47 10 may 2020 (UTC)
- A favor Pachug (alderique) 00:36 11 may 2020 (UTC)
- A favor Amasuela (alderique) Amasuela (alderique) 18:33 16 may 2020 (UTC)
Plantíes de wikiproyeutos
editarPaezme que les plantíes de los wikiproyeutos deberíen tar na páxina d'alderique de los artículos, non nel propiu artículu. Digamos que nun ye una cosa enciclopédica, ye organizativa. Hai que dexar los artículos lo más claros posibles. Nun sé que pensáis. Agora mesmu tengo llocalizaes estes:
¿Qué vos parez?--Omarete (mensaxes) 12:44 10 may 2020 (UTC)
- A favor Pachug (alderique) 00:44 11 may 2020 (UTC)
- A favor Amasuela (alderique)13:03 12 may 2020 (UTC)
- Ta bien la idea. Ya entamara l'añu pasáu a facer un script que moviera estes plantíes al alderique, pero nun lo llegara a terminar. Si quies termínolo y lo pongo a furrular. YoaR (alderique) 07:52 11 may 2020 (UTC)
- Otra plantía pa mover: {{Asturies-Cymru}}
- YoaR (alderique) 07:52 11 may 2020 (UTC)
- Pues paez qu'esi script vendría bien en cuanto reviva la Pi xD --Omarete (mensaxes) 20:01 17 may 2020 (UTC)
Yá se publicaron los encamientos para'l futuru del movimientu
editarBonos díes a tola comunidá
Güei fixéronse públiques los encamientos para la estratexa Wikimedia 2030. Como van saber, tratarse de la estratexa global del movimientu, que van marcar el futuru de los proyectos Wikimedia y la so redolada para los próximos 10 años.
Los encamientos son el final de la segunda fase, que van rematar cola implementación, prevista para finales d'añu y de la qu'inda nun tenemos detalles.
Si deseya tener más información al respeutu, puede contactame por cualesquier de los canales habilitaes. Tenemos previstu llanzar distintos formatos para facilitar la comprensión d'estos documentos.
Si tienen cualquier comentariu, nun duldar en faelo.
Un abrazu a toes y toos.--FFort (WMF) (alderique) 18:28 12 may 2020 (UTC)
Candidatura d'Amasuela a alministrador
editarComo resultáu de la votación en Wikipedia:Candidatures#Candidatura_de_Amasuela_p'alministrador_de_la_ast:Wikipedia, acabo da-y los permisos d'alministrador a Amasuela. --Omarete (mensaxes) 20:10 17 may 2020 (UTC)
Eliminar el mensaxe de "Entamu"
editarHola. Propongo ocultar el mensaxe qu'amuesa la plantía {{entamu}} porque si un artículu ye un entamo yá se ve claramente, nun fai falta un banner que lo diga. Sin embargu, sí dexaría la plantía pa tener los artículos que son entamos categorizaos (Categoría:Wikipedia:Entamos). ¿Opiniones? YoaR (alderique) 19:43 31 may 2020 (UTC)
- Polo que veo, n'eswiki esta plantía tiénenla yá nel Muséu. Por min, alantre col asuntu. --Oriciu (alderique) 20:32 31 may 2020 (UTC)
- Veolo bien.Amasuela (alderique)Amasuela (alderique) 22:25 31 may 2020 (UTC)
- Enforma a favor--Omarete (mensaxes) 20:38 1 xun 2020 (UTC)
Urgent Help
editarPlease help us translate the text (in bold) to your language Join WPWP Campaign to improve Wikipedia articles with photos and win a prize. Thanks for your help. T Cells (alderique) 08:41 6 xun 2020 (UTC)
Urgent Help
editarPlease help us translate the text (in bold) to your language Join WPWP Campaign to improve Wikipedia articles with photos and win a prize. Thanks for your help. T Cells (alderique) 08:47 6 xun 2020 (UTC)
- @T Cells: Xúnete a la Campaña WPWP pa ameyorar los artículos de Wikipedia con semeyes y gana un premiu" --Omarete (mensaxes) 13:43 6 xun 2020 (UTC)
- Thank you. T Cells (alderique) 21:42 6 xun 2020 (UTC)
Editing news 2020 #2
editarRead this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
This issue of the Editing newsletter includes information the Talk pages project, an effort to help contributors communicate on wiki more easily.
- Reply tool: This is available as a Beta Feature at the four partner wikis (Arabic, Dutch, French, and Hungarian Wikipedias). The Beta Feature is called "Herramientas de discusión". The Beta Feature will get new features soon. The new features include writing comments in a new visual editing mode and pinging other users by typing
. You can test the new features on the Beta Cluster now. Some other wikis will have a chance to try the Beta Feature in the coming months. - New requirements for user signatures: Soon, users will not be able to save invalid custom signatures in Special:Preferences. This will reduce signature spoofing, prevent page corruption, and make new talk page tools more reliable. Most editors will not be affected.
- New discussion tool: The Editing team is beginning work on a simpler process for starting new discussions. You can see the initial design on the project page.
- Research on the use of talk pages: The Editing team worked with the Wikimedia research team to study how talk pages help editors improve articles. We learned that new editors who use talk pages make more edits to the main namespace than new editors who don't use talk pages.
20:32 17 xun 2020 (UTC)
Invitation to participate in the upcoming WPWP Campaign
editarHello Wikipedians,
This is to invite you to join the WPWP Campaign to help improve Wikipedia articles with photos and win prizes. The campaign will run from 1st July 2020 to 31st August 2020.
The campaign primarily aims at using images from Wikimedia Commons on Wikipedia articles that are lacking images. Participants will choose among Wikipedia pages without photo images, then add a suitable file from among the many thousands of photos in the Wikimedia Commons, especially those uploaded from thematic contests (Wiki Loves Africa, Wiki Loves Earth, Wiki Loves Folklore, etc.) over the years.
Please visit the campaign page to learn more about the WPWP Campaign.
With kind regards,
Thank you,
Deborah Schwartz Jacobs, Communities Liaison, On behalf of the Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos Organizing Team - 21:32 18 xun 2020 (UTC)
Plantía NF
editarNel alderique de la plantía NF propongo unos cambios que como afecten a una plantía que ta en más de 32.000 páxines meyor ver que vos parez a los demás enantes de facer na. --Omarete (mensaxes) 21:11 25 xun 2020 (UTC)
- Veolo bien - Amasuela (alderique) 13:12 29 xun 2020 (UTC)
Annual contest Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos
editarThis is to invite you to join the Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos (WPWP) campaign to help improve Wikipedia articles with photos and win prizes. The campaign starts today 1st July 2020 and closes 31st August 2020.
The campaign primarily aims at using images from Wikimedia Commons on Wikipedia articles that are lacking images. Participants will choose among Wikipedia pages without photo images, then add a suitable file from among the many thousands of photos in the Wikimedia Commons, especially those uploaded from thematic contests (Wiki Loves Africa, Wiki Loves Earth, Wiki Loves Folklore, etc.) over the years.
Please visit the campaign page to learn more about the WPWP Campaign.
With kind regards,
Thank you,
Deborah Schwartz Jacobs, Communities Liaison, On behalf of the Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos Organizing Team - 08:24 1 xnt 2020 (UTC)
feel free to translate this message to your local language when this helps your community
Feedback on movement names
editarBones. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. Por favor, ayuda a traducilo a la to llingua if necessary. ¡Gracies!
There are a lot of conversations happening about the future of our movement names. We hope that you are part of these discussions and that your community is represented.
Since 16 June, the Foundation Brand Team has been running a survey in 7 languages about 3 naming options. There are also community members sharing concerns about renaming in a Community Open Letter.
Our goal in this call for feedback is to hear from across the community, so we encourage you to participate in the survey, the open letter, or both. The survey will go through 7 July in all timezones. Input from the survey and discussions will be analyzed and published on Meta-Wiki.
Thanks for thinking about the future of the movement, --The Brand Project team, 19:44 2 xnt 2020 (UTC)
Note: The survey is conducted via a third-party service, which may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and data-handling, see the survey privacy statement.
Editing news 2020 #3
editarRead this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
Seven years ago this month, the Editing team offered the visual editor to most Wikipedia editors. Since then, editors have achieved many milestones:
- More than 50 million edits have been made using the visual editor on desktop.
- More than 2 million new articles have been created in the visual editor. More than 600,000 of these new articles were created during 2019.
- The visual editor is increasingly popular. The proportion of all edits made using the visual editor has increased every year since its introduction.
- In 2019, 35% of the edits by newcomers (logged-in editors with ≤99 edits) used the visual editor. This percentage has increased every year.
- Almost 5 million edits on the mobile site have been made with the visual editor. Most of these edits have been made since the Editing team started improving the mobile visual editor in 2018.
- On 17 November 2019, the first edit from outer space was made in the mobile visual editor. 🚀 👩🚀
- Editors have made more than 7 million edits in the 2017 wikitext editor, including starting 600,000 new articles in it. The 2017 wikitext editor is VisualEditor's built-in wikitext mode. You can enable it in your preferences.
12:55 9 xnt 2020 (UTC)
Announcing a new wiki project! Welcome, Abstract Wikipedia
editarHi all,
It is my honor to introduce Abstract Wikipedia, a new project that has been unanimously approved by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. Abstract Wikipedia proposes a new way to generate baseline encyclopedic content in a multilingual fashion, allowing more contributors and more readers to share more knowledge in more languages. It is an approach that aims to make cross-lingual cooperation easier on our projects, increase the sustainability of our movement through expanding access to participation, improve the user experience for readers of all languages, and innovate in free knowledge by connecting some of the strengths of our movement to create something new.
This is our first new project in over seven years. Abstract Wikipedia was submitted as a project proposal by Denny Vrandečić in May 2020 [1] after years of preparation and research, leading to a detailed plan and lively discussions in the Wikimedia communities. We know that the energy and the creativity of the community often runs up against language barriers, and information that is available in one language may not make it to other language Wikipedias. Abstract Wikipedia intends to look and feel like a Wikipedia, but build on the powerful, language-independent conceptual models of Wikidata, with the goal of letting volunteers create and maintain Wikipedia articles across our polyglot Wikimedia world.
The project will allow volunteers to assemble the fundamentals of an article using words and entities from Wikidata. Because Wikidata uses conceptual models that are meant to be universal across languages, it should be possible to use and extend these building blocks of knowledge to create models for articles that also have universal value. Using code, volunteers will be able to translate these abstract “articles” into their own languages. If successful, this could eventually allow everyone to read about any topic in Wikidata in their own language.
As you can imagine, this work will require a lot of software development, and a lot of cooperation among Wikimedians. In order to make this effort possible, Denny will join the Foundation as a staff member in July and lead this initiative. You may know Denny as the creator of Wikidata, a long-time community member, a former staff member at Wikimedia Deutschland, and a former Trustee at the Wikimedia Foundation [2]. We are very excited that Denny will bring his skills and expertise to work on this project alongside the Foundation’s product, technology, and community liaison teams.
It is important to acknowledge that this is an experimental project, and that every Wikipedia community has different needs. This project may offer some communities great advantages. Other communities may engage less. Every language Wikipedia community will be free to choose and moderate whether or how they would use content from this project.
We are excited that this new wiki-project has the possibility to advance knowledge equity through increased access to knowledge. It also invites us to consider and engage with critical questions about how and by whom knowledge is constructed. We look forward to working in cooperation with the communities to think through these important questions.
There is much to do as we begin designing a plan for Abstract Wikipedia in close collaboration with our communities. I encourage you to get involved by going to the project page and joining the new mailing list [3]. We recognize that Abstract Wikipedia is ambitious, but we also recognize its potential. We invite you all to join us on a new, unexplored path.
Katherine Maher (Executive Director, Wikimedia Foundation)
Sent by m:User:Elitre (WMF) 20:06 9 xnt 2020 (UTC) - m:Special:MyLanguage/Abstract Wikipedia/July 2020 announcement
Plantía:Sister project - Template:Sister-inline
editarDiba poner nel alderique de la plantía {{Propiedá Wikidata}} que pienso que debería siguir el formatu d'otres como la de {{commonscat}}, evitando enllaces esternos encuadraos, pero pensándolo bien, creo que habría que facelo en toles plantíes qu'empleguen {{Sister project}}. Lo suyo sería pasar al formatu de la que tienen na :en Sister-inline. ¿Qué vos parez? --Omarete (mensaxes) 15:12 20 xnt 2020 (UTC)
- A mi dame igual. YoaR (alderique) 12:33 21 xnt 2020 (UTC)
- Quiero dicir, tendríen que tar toos nel mesmu llau, bien en llinia, bien toos flotando na derecha. Dame igual pal llau que sea. YoaR (alderique) 06:03 23 xnt 2020 (UTC)
- Paezme bien, y facelo con toles plantíes pa qu'heba coherencia, sí.--Limotecariu (¡Vamos parolar!) 12:42 6 ago 2020 (UTC)
The Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC): we want to hear from you.
editarBones. Apologies that you may not be reading this message in your native language: translations of the following message may be available on Meta. Por favor, ayuda a traducilo a la to llingua. ¡Gracies!
At times, our contributor communities and projects have suffered from a lack of guidelines that can help us create an environment where free knowledge can be shared safely without fear. There has been talk about the need for a global set of conduct rules in different communities over time.
Recently, the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees announced a Community Culture Statement, asking for new standards to address harassment and promote inclusivity across projects.
The universal code of conduct will be a binding minimum set of standards across all Wikimedia projects, and will apply to all of us, staff and volunteers alike, all around the globe. It is of great importance that we all participate in expressing our opinions and thoughts about UCoC and its values. We should think about what we want it to cover or include and what it shouldn’t include, and how it may create difficulties or help our groups.
This is the time to talk about it. Before starting drafting the code of conduct, we would like to hear from you and to solicit the opinions and feedback of your colleagues. In order for your voice to be heard, we encourage and invite you to read more about the universal code of conduct (UCoC) and then write down your opinions or feedback on the discussion page.
To reduce language barriers during the process, you are welcome to translate the universal code of conduct main page from English into your respective local language. You and your community may choose to provide your opinions/feedback using your local languages.
Thanks in advance for your attention and contributions, The Trust and Safety team at Wikimedia Foundation 16:42 22 xnt 2020 (UTC)
Technical Wishes: FileExporter and FileImporter become default features on all Wikis
editarThe FileExporter and FileImporter will become a default features on all wikis until August 7, 2020. They are planned to help you to move files from your local wiki to Wikimedia Commons easier while keeping all original file information (Description, Source, Date, Author, View History) intact. Additionally, the move is documented in the files view history. How does it work?
Step 1: If you are an auto-confirmed user, you will see a link "Move file to Wikimedia Commons" on the local file page.
Step 2: When you click on this link, the FileImporter checks if the file can in fact be moved to Wikimedia Commons. These checks are performed based on the wiki's configuration file which is created and maintained by each local wiki community.
Step 3: If the file is compatible with Wikimedia Commons, you will be taken to an import page, at which you can update or add information regarding the file, such as the description. You can also add the 'Now Commons' template to the file on the local wiki by clicking the corresponding check box in the import form. Admins can delete the file from the local wiki by enabling the corresponding checkbox. By clicking on the 'Import' button at the end of the page, the file is imported to Wikimedia Commons.
If you want to know more about the FileImporter extension or the Technical Wishes Project, follow the links. --For the Technical Wishes Team:Important: maintenance operation on September 1st
editarRead this message in another language • Por favor, ayuda a traducilo a la to llingua
The Wikimedia Foundation will be testing its secondary data centre. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to do a planned test. This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.
They will switch all traffic to the secondary data centre on Tuesday, September 1st 2020.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop while the switch is made. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Tuesday, September 1st. The test will start at 14:00 UTC (15:00 BST, 16:00 CEST, 10:00 EDT, 19:30 IST, 07:00 PDT, 23:00 JST, and in New Zealand at 02:00 NZST on Wednesday September 2).
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- There will be code freezes for the week of September 1st, 2020. Non-essential code deployments will not happen.
This project may be postponed if necessary. You can read the schedule at Any changes will be announced in the schedule. There will be more notifications about this. Please share this information with your community.
New Wikipedia Library Collections Now Available (September 2020)
Hello Wikimedians!
The Wikipedia Library is announcing new free, full-access, accounts to reliable sources as part of our research access program. You can sign up for new accounts and research materials on the Library Card platform:
- Al Manhal – Arabic journals and ebooks
- – Genealogical and historical records
- RILM – Music encyclopedias
Many other partnerships are listed on our partners page, including Adam Matthew, EBSCO, Gale and JSTOR.
A significant portion of our collection now no longer requires individual applications to access! Read more in our recent blog post.
Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects!
--The Wikipedia Library Team 09:49 3 set 2020 (UTC)
- This message was delivered via the Global Mass Message tool to The Wikipedia Library Global Delivery List.
Invitation to participate in the conversation
editarBones. Apologies for cross-posting, and that you may not be reading this message in your native language: translations of the following announcement may be available on Meta. Por favor, ayuda a traducilo a la to llingua. ¡Gracies!
We are excited to share a draft of the Universal Code of Conduct, which the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees called for earlier this year, for your review and feedback. The discussion will be open until October 6, 2020.
The UCoC Drafting Committee wants to learn which parts of the draft would present challenges for you or your work. What is missing from this draft? What do you like, and what could be improved?
Please join the conversation and share this invitation with others who may be interested to join, too.
To reduce language barriers during the process, you are welcomed to translate this message and the Universal Code of Conduct/Draft review. You and your community may choose to provide your opinions/feedback using your local languages.
To learn more about the UCoC project, see the Universal Code of Conduct page, and the FAQ, on Meta.
Thanks in advance for your attention and contributions, The Trust and Safety team at Wikimedia Foundation, 17:55 10 set 2020 (UTC)Invitación a participar en la conversación
editarHola, Os pedimos disculpas por la publicación cruzada, y que es posible que no estés leyendo este mensaje en tu idioma nativo: las traducciones del siguiente anuncio pueden estar disponibles en Meta. Por favor, ayuda a traducir este texto a tu idioma. ¡Muchas gracias!
Nos complace compartir un borrador del Código de Conducta Universal, que la Junta de Fideicomisarios de la Fundación Wikimedia solicitó a principios de este año, para su revisión y comentarios. La discusión estará abierta hasta el 6 de octubre de 2020.
El Comité de Redacción de UCoC desea saber qué partes del borrador presentarían desafíos para usted o su trabajo. ¿Qué falta en este borrador? ¿Qué le gusta y qué podría mejorarse?
Únase a la conversación y comparta esta invitación con otras personas que puedan estar interesadas en unirse también.
Para reducir las barreras del idioma durante el proceso, le invitamos a traducir este mensaje y la revisión del Borrador / Código de Conducta Universal. Usted y su comunidad pueden optar por brindar sus opiniones / comentarios en sus idiomas locales.
Para obtener más información sobre el proyecto UCoC, consulte la página del Código de conducta universal y las preguntas frecuentes en Meta.
Gracias de antemano por su atención y contribuciones, El equipo de Confianza y Seguridad de la Fundación Wikimedia, 17:55 10 de septiembre de 2020 (UTC)
Wiki of functions naming contest
editarPor favor, ayuda a traducilo a la to llingua.
Bones. Please help pick a name for the new Wikimedia wiki project. This project will be a wiki where the community can work together on a library of functions. The community can create new functions, read about them, discuss them, and share them. Some of these functions will be used to help create language-independent Wikipedia articles that can be displayed in any language, as part of the Abstract Wikipedia project. But functions will also be usable in many other situations.
There will be two rounds of voting, each followed by legal review of candidates, with voting beginning on 29 September and 27 October. Our goal is to have a final project name selected on 8 December. If you would like to participate, then please learn more and vote now at meta-wiki. ¡Gracies! --Quiddity (WMF)21:19 29 set 2020 (UTC)
Por favor, ayuda a escoyer un nome pal nuevu proxectu wiki de Wikimedia. Esti proyeutu va ser xuna wiki onde la comunidá puede trabayar xunta nuna biblioteca de funciones. La comunidá puede crear nueves funciones, lleer sobro elles, aldericales y compartiles. Dalgunes d'estes funciones van utilizase p'ayudar a crear artículos de Wikipedia independientes de la so llingua que pueden amosase en cualquier llingua, como parte del proyeutu Abstract Wikipedia. Pero les funciones tamién podrán utilizase en munches otres situaciones.
Habrá dos rondes de votación, caúna siguida d'una revisión llegal de los candidatos, y la votación va empezar el 29 de setiembre y el 27 d'ochobre. El nuesu oxetivu ye tener un nome de proyeutu final escoyíu'l 8 d'avientu. Si desees participar, busca más información en please learn more and vote now y vota agora en meta-wiki.
¡Munches gracies!
Call for feedback about Wikimedia Foundation Bylaws changes and Board candidate rubric
editarBones. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. Por favor, ayuda a traducilo a la to llingua.
Today the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees starts two calls for feedback. One is about changes to the Bylaws mainly to increase the Board size from 10 to 16 members. The other one is about a trustee candidate rubric to introduce new, more effective ways to evaluate new Board candidates. The Board welcomes your comments through 26 October. For more details, check the full announcement.
¡Gracies! Qgil-WMF (talk) 17:17 7 och 2020 (UTC)
Categoríes automátiques
editarHola. Hai unos díes que fice un cambéu na plantía {{Persona/deportes/puntosgoles}} pa que meta automáticamente los artículos en categoríes según el deporte que prautique la persona y los equipos nos que xugó. D'esti mou, un xugador de fútbol como Diego Cervero va tar asignáu a les categoríes futbolistes del Real Uviéu, futbolistes del Real Uviéu Vetusta, futbolistes del Marbella Club de Fútbol, futbolistes del Club Deportivo Lealtad y futbolistes de la Unión Deportiva Logroñés. Pa un xugador de baloncestu ye lo mesmo pero col prefixu "Xugadores de baloncestu de NOMEEQUIPU". Nun ye la primer vegada que s'usen categoríes automátiques: la plantía {{persona}} xebra automáticamente en homes y muyeres, {{llibru}} categoriza según l'añu de publicación (llibros de 1990, llibros de 1992, etc.) y tamién según l'idioma de la obra (llibros n'italianu, llibros en francés, etc.). Nesti casu, enantes de continuar cola categorización de deportistes considero qu'hai que votalo teniendo en cuenta que:
- Categorización automática, aforra tiempu, nun hai que dir artículu por artículu añadiéndolu a les categoríes.
- Fácil navegación polos xugadores que tuvieron nel mesmu equipu.
- Les nomes de les categoríes automátiques son fáciles de modificar y tener estandarizaes.
- Nun tenemos muncha xente collaborando y hai que facer más con menos.
- Xenera munches categoríes, y hai que las crear a mano (agora mesmo unes 200).
- Hai dalgunos futbolistes que xugaron en munchos equipos y se xeneraríen munches categoríes (por casu: Rivaldo).
- Va contra la idea de categoríes simples.
- Dalgunes categoríes podríen nun ser relevantes.
Por favor, ¿opiniones? ¿alternatives?
YoaR (alderique) 10:10 12 och 2020 (UTC)
- Ye interesante, pero igual sedría desandar el camín a la simplificación de categoríes. Como dices, ente les que nun sedríen mui relevantes y les d'aquellos xugadores con muncha trayectoria crearíense munches. A ver qué opinen los demás. --Vsuarezp (alderique) 10:20 12 och 2020 (UTC)
Yo ya lo falé en priváu con YoaR y personalmente nun me gusta.Sí me gusta la categorización automática en determinaes coses, por exemplo les que cita. Pero hai otres que nun son práctiques, como esta de los deportistes pol equipu pol que pasaron. Rivaldo, con 27 categoríes, nun ye'l peor exemplu, hailos peores. Y eso va en contra del consensu de dexar sólo les categoríes más relevantes y facelo too simple. ¿Y por qué facelo sólo con futbolistes? ¿Metemos los equipos de los entrenadores?
- Por otra parte, ta'l trabayu que xenera: Nun son 200, son más bien unes 2500 agora mesmu: ver categoríes qu'entamen por "Futbolista". Unu de los motivos del procesu de simplificación de categoríes ye pa simplificar el trabayu: Somos pocos y hai que priorizar. Estes categoríes, pa facelo bien, tendríen que xenerar nueves categoríes d'equipos, que tendríemos que meter en categoríes d'equipos de sus países, lligues, etc. ¿Merez la pena?
- Sobre el tema de la relevancia, yo pienso que, en xeneral, lo meyor ye dexar que la xente trabaye no que considere relevante. Gran parte de los que trabayamos somos d'Asturies, así que les categoríes d'equipos asturianos son interesantes pa la mayoría. Eso nun quita que a mi me guste el River Plate d'Arxentina y que mañana diga pues voi facer la categoría de xugadores de River. Lo que creo que nun nos aporta na ye la cetegoría de Categoría:Futbolistes del Dyskobolia Grodzisk Wielkopolski (con tolos mis respetos a los siguidores d'esti noble equipu), por dicir unu.
--Omarete (mensaxes) 18:29 14 och 2020 (UTC)
- @Omarete, Vsuarezp: ¿Qué vos paez restrinxir les categoríes automátiques a equipos de fútbol y a que se cumpla una de les siguientes condiciones?:
- L'equipu de fútbol ye d'Asturies.
- L'equipu ye seleición rexonal/estatal.
- La categoría yá esiste pero la la persona nun ta metida nesa categoría.
- YoaR (alderique) 08:53 22 och 2020 (UTC)
- @Omarete, Vsuarezp: ¿Qué vos paez restrinxir les categoríes automátiques a equipos de fútbol y a que se cumpla una de les siguientes condiciones?:
- Paezme una bona solución. Pa les seleiciones habría que correxir una cosa: Les categoríes que tenemos agora son, por exemplu, "Futbolistes de la seleición masculina de Francia", pero al facelo automáticamente xenera "Futbolistes de la seleición masculina de fútbol de Francia", ya que'l nome del equipu en wikidata ye "Seleición masculina de fútbol de Francia", así que tendría que filtrase esi "de fútbol" redundante. Saludos. --Omarete (mensaxes) 12:16 23 och 2020 (UTC)
- - Pliegome a los vuesos razonamientos, veo que los teneis claru, adelantre con ello..
Amasuela (alderique) 13:18 23 och 2020 (UTC)
- Fícelo too pero ensin mirar si l'equipu ye d'Asturies o non. Ver {{categoría automática de fútbol}}. YoaR (alderique) 17:50 2 pay 2020 (UTC)
Important: maintenance operation on October 27
editarRead this message in another language • Por favor, ayuda a traducilo a la to llingua
The Wikimedia Foundation tests the switch between its first and secondary data centers. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to do a planned test. This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.
They will switch all traffic back to the primary data center on Tuesday, October 27 2020.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop while the switch is made. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Tuesday, October 27. The test will start at 14:00 UTC (14:00 WET, 15:00 CET, 10:00 EDT, 19:30 IST, 07:00 PDT, 23:00 JST, and in New Zealand at 03:00 NZDT on Wednesday October 28).
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- There will be code freezes for the week of October 26, 2020. Non-essential code deployments will not happen.
Improving the translation support for the Asturian Wikipedia
editarSorry about not being able to write in Asturian. I hope someone can translate this! Puedo leer en español y catalán.
Content translation has been successful in supporting the translation process on many Wikipedia communities, and we want to help additional wikis with potential to grow using translation as part of a new initiative.
Content translation facilitates the creation of Wikipedia articles by translating content from other languages. It has been used already to create more than half a million articles. In addition, the tool provides mechanisms to encourage the creation of good quality content, preventing the publication of lightly edited machine translations. In general, our analysis shows that the translations produced are less likely to be deleted than the articles started from scratch.
Asturian Wikipedia editors have used Content translation to create more than five thousand articles. Given the size of the editing community, we think that there is potential to use translation to create more articles, expand existing ones, and attract new editors that learn how to make productive edits. Translation can help the community to reduce the language gap with other languages and grow the number of editors in a sustainable way. In order to achieve this goal, we want to collaborate with you to make Content translation more visible in the Asturian Wikipedia and support new ways to translate.
As a first step, during the next weeks we plan to enable Content translation by default on the Asturian Wikipedia. That will make it easy for users to discover the tool through several entry points. However, users not interested in translation will still be able to disable it from their preferences.
Please feel free to share any comment in this conversation thread.
Thanks! --Amir E. Aharoni (WMF) (alderique) 13:25 4 pay 2020 (UTC)
Wiki of functions naming contest - Round 2
editarBones. Reminder: Please help to choose the name for the new Wikimedia wiki project - the library of functions. The finalist vote starts today. The finalists for the name are: Wikicode, Wikicodex, Wikifunctions, Wikifusion, Wikilambda, Wikimedia Functions. If you would like to participate, then please learn more and vote now at Meta-wiki. ¡Gracies! --Quiddity (WMF)
22:10 5 pay 2020 (UTC)
Encuesta de Lista de deseos de la Comunidad 2021
editar¡La Encuesta de Lista de deseos de la Comunidad 2021 ya está abierta! Esta encuesta es el medio donde la comunidad decide acerca de qué trabajará el equipo de Tecnología para la Comunidad durante el próximo año. Animamos a todas las personas a enviar propuestas el 30 de payares, o comentar en las otras propuestas para ayudar a mejorarlas. Las comunidades votarán las propuestas entre 8 d'avientu y 21 d'avientu.
El equipo de Tecnología para la Comunidad está enfocado en herramientas para editores de Wikimedia experimentados. Puedes escribir propuestas en cualquier idioma, y las traduciremos para ustedes. Gracias, y ¡esperamos revisar sus propuestas!
Global bot policy proposal: invitation to a Meta discussion
I apologize for sending a message in English. Por favor, ayuda a traducilo a la to llingua. According to the list, your wiki project currently is opted in to the global bot policy. Under this policy, bots that fix double redirects or maintain interwiki links are allowed to operate under a global bot flag that is assigned directly by the stewards.
As the Wikimedia projects developed, the need for the current global bot policy decreased, and in the past years, no bots were appointed via that policy. That is mainly given Wikidata were estabilished in 2013, and it is no longer necessary to have dozens of bots that maintain interwiki links.
A proposal was made at Meta-Wiki, which proposes that the stewards will be authorized to determine whether an uncontroversial task may be assigned a global bot flag. The stewards already assign permissions that are more impactful on many wikis, namely, global sysops and global renamers, and I do not think that trust should be an issue. The stewards will assign the permission only to time-proven bots that are already approved at a number of projects, like ListeriaBot.
By this message, I would like to invite you to comment in the global RFC, to voice your opinion about this matter.
Thank you for your time.
Best regards,
Martin Urbanec (alderique) 11:49 24 pay 2020 (UTC)
Wikidata descriptions changes to be included more often in Recent Changes and Watchlist
editarSorry for sending this message in English. Translations are available on this page. Feel free to translate it in more languages!
As you may know, you can include changes coming from Wikidata in your Watchlist and Recent Changes (in your preferences). Until now, this feature didn’t always include changes made on Wikidata descriptions due to the way Wikidata tracks the data used in a given article.
Starting on December 3rd, the Watchlist and Recent Changes will include changes on the descriptions of Wikidata Items that are used in the pages that you watch. This will only include descriptions in the language of your wiki to make sure that you’re only seeing changes that are relevant to your wiki.
This improvement was requested by many users from different projects. We hope that it can help you monitor the changes on Wikidata descriptions that affect your wiki and participate in the effort of improving the data quality on Wikidata for all Wikimedia wikis and beyond.
Note: if you didn’t use the Wikidata watchlist integration feature for a long time, feel free to give it another chance! The feature has been improved since the beginning and the content it displays is more precise and useful than at the beginning of the feature in 2015.
If you encounter any issue or want to provide feedback, feel free to use this Phabricator ticket. Thanks!
2020 Coolest Tool Award Ceremony on December 11th
editarHello all,
The ceremony of the 2020 Wikimedia Coolest Tool Award will take place virtually on Friday, December 11th, at 17:00 GMT. This award is highlighting tools that have been nominated by contributors to the Wikimedia projects, and the ceremony will be a nice moment to show appreciation to the tools developers and maybe discover new tools!
You will find more information here about the livestream and the discussions channels. Thanks for your attention, Lea Lacroix (WMDE) 10:55 7 avi 2020 (UTC)
Encuesta de Lista de deseos de la Comunidad 2021
editarInvitamos a todos los usuarios registrados a votar en la Encuesta de lista de deseos de la comunidad 2021. Puede votar desde ahora hasta 21 diciembre por tantos y diferentes deseos como prefieras.
En la Encuesta, se recopilan los deseos de nuevas y mejoradas herramientas para editores experimentados. Después de la votación, haremos todo lo posible para satisfacer sus deseos. Empezaremos por los más populares.
Nosotros, la Communidad Tecnológica, somos uno de los equipos de la Fundación Wikimedia. Creamos y mejoramos herramientas de edición y moderación de nuestra wiki. Sobre lo que trabajaremos, se decide en función de los resultados de la Encuesta de Deseos de la Comunidad. Una vez al año, puede enviar deseos. Después de dos semanas, puede votar por los que más le interesen. A continuación, elegimos los deseos de la encuesta para trabajar en ellos. Algunos de los deseos pueden ser otorgados por desarrolladores voluntarios u otros equipos.
Esperamos sus votos. ¡Gracias!
15:08 11 avi 2020 (UTC)